Three Weeks Left of the Fall Semester

Finals are now only 3 weeks away! It is that time of year where things are starting to get serious and projects are all due. This can be a stressful time of year but, remember to take your time to relax and refresh yourself so you don’t get too stressed.


If you are not going home for Thanksgiving there are tons of things to do in order to relax. You can go kayaking, take a hike, drive around the state, and get some rest before those finals hit. Even though you are relaxing however, do not neglect those projects. Getting them done during Thanksgiving break is critical as it will give you all the time you need to study for finals when you return to school.

This year the week after Thanksgiving is the last week before finals so its even more critical to relax but be productive during break. You can also be productive by reviewing course materials in preparation for finals as well. If you do not have any projects due after break then take advantage of the free time and study!

I know it sucks to have work to do during break but, its part of being a college student so its gotta get done.

Here’s my advice:The best way to balance work with pleasure is to take the first two days of break off to clear your head. Then over the remaining time left in break do 2-3 hours of work a day, this way you still get to relax but, you have a great time as well!!

I hope this advice has helped, have an awesome Thanksgiving break and don’t neglect your school work!

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About Cherie

**Major:** Aerospace Engineering **Minors:** Mathematics Minor, Military Science Minor **Hometown:** Bermuda, FL **Activities:** AFROTC, SHPE **Honors:** Service Excellence Award, Deans List Award **Favorite Class:** Structures **Favorite thing to do in Prescott:** Kayaking, see movies, cruise through downtown **In my free time, I…** like to watch Netflix, go bike riding, hang out with friends, and relax

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