Keeping up With all Your Work

For some students it may be easy just to attend class and ace all the exams and for others like myself, this would lead into a down fall with grades. So today I will go into a few personal tips on keeping up with all the course work in order to maintain good grades.

When it comes to engineering courses at Embry-Riddle there is work to do outside of the classroom. Most of the time it will take more then just attending class to pass with good grades. The most significant tool I use to study and keep on track is homework. When you keep up with homework it becomes easier to stay on top of everything. It also helps retain the information for when the exam comes around.

The next step is to be sure you attend class and… pay ATTENTION… it isn’t enough to not skip class but to attention is the key. Sometimes teachers may be less than exciting but the knowledge they hold is essential to the learning process.

The last thing I would say is to take a break when you feel like you need one, even if its barely Tuesday and you’re feeling way too stressed or unfocused to do anything. It’s okay to relax for a bit, in fact, it’s crucial to improving your performance when you’re tired or not focused.

So keep your head in the game and remember why you are doing all this hard work. Stay motivated! Thanks for reading.

The New Semester

Good afternoon everyone, I hope you all have enjoyed you’re summer as much as I did. Today I will discuss with you some tips that I have come to learn about getting ready for the new semester after a long summer break. After a few years of experience I have decided to share some personal tricks for relieving stress and getting psyched for the new year.

To start off, we all know the routine shopping spree for school supplies and clothes. That is clearly a must, one thing I like to do when shopping for school supplies is get a few extra of everything; binders, pens, pencils, exct. Just to be sure your ready all year. Don’t forget to get in there before all the high schools begin their shopping, usually they do begin school prior to colleges.

I personally like to get everything ready a couple weeks in advanced when I have free time and I feel motivated. This way I have plenty of time to get anything I forget and I am not feeling rushed before school.

Now the best way to relieve the stress of not know how tough the year is going to be is to be sure you aren’t rushed with anything the first month school starts. So for instance if you work like me, take a fee weeks off so you can relax and know what you are getting in to. Just remind yourself of all the tough classes you have already been through and realize those classes have prepared you for this semester and the classes you are about to take.

Lastly it couldn’t hurt to read a few pages of the textbooks for your classes. All it takes for me is a chapter in each and I feel comfortable enough to relax.

Please feel free to contact me in the comments, I understand my profile says I am a freshmen but this year will begin my junior year. Thank you for reading.