The Tales of a First Year Student

If you are anything like me, the anticipation of going into college has you asking a lot of questions. “What will it be like to be on my own?” “Am I going to make close friends?” “Will I have any free time at all?”

I could sit here and try my best to write down my experiences from my Freshman year, but that sounds pretty boring. So instead I made this video! Check it out to see my Freshman experiences and tips!


As you can see, I had an absolute blast my first year in college. I can’t wait to see what adventures and opportunities I take part in in Fall 2015!

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About Colton

**Major:** Aerospace Engineering, Aero Track **Hometown:** Cypress, Texas (Houston) **Research:** Built numerous RC aircraft / multirotors including quadcopters and hexacopters with autonomous capabilities and live video downlink **Activities:** Tennis, RC aircraft, longboarding, hiking/exploring, photography/cinematography, innovation club, Chi Alpha Honors Student **Favorite Class:** Engineering 101 **Favorite thing to do in Prescott:** hike/explore and take pictures **In my free time I…** longboard, hike/explore, take pictures, make videos, build and fly RC aircraft

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