It is that time of year again and students all over the nation are applying for internships in their given field of study. So the question is how do you present the best application to potential employers? In all honesty it depends on what the employer is looking for and what field of study you are pursuing.
That is a broad range of topics covered in a single statement so how do you as a student make sense of it? Well……our career services department at Embry Riddle is here to help you!! They do all sorts of things from proofreading your resume, to helping you find an internship, answering questions during the application process, preparing for interviews, and so much more!!
At the Prescott campus we emphasis opportunities for students and it is for this reason that we created the career services department for you. Riddle is a great place to be as we can help you make the connections you need to succeed after graduation. So when you are thinking of colleges to attend just remember that Embry Riddle will help you through every step along the way. If you have any questions and would like more information please visit our career services page or call the admissions office.