Air Force ROTC












Hello again, I thought it might be time to give y’all an update on what I’ve been up to in Air Force ROTC at Embry Riddle Prescott. I am a second semester sophomore, which means that I am going through Field Training Preparation. Basically, its something that all sophomores who wish to continue on in the program need to do so they can go to Field Training over the summer. After Field Training myself, and those of my classmates who make it through will become Professional Officer Candidates, which means that when we graduate from Embry Riddle we will be officers in the US Air Force.

I am really excited to meet the challenges that Field Training Preparation has and I am really looking forward to training this summer 🙂 There is so much to learn in order to be prepared for Field Training, it definitely requires some extra time and effort outside of school. So if you are considering joining Air Force ROTC, we would be very happy to welcome you. It is always good to see new faces, but if you intend to stay in the program just keep yourself motivated. It can be difficult at times but, I honestly love it and I have never regretted my decision to join.

If you have any comments or questions, please let me know! For more information about AFROTC here at Embry Riddle please click here. Thanks!!

Round one of Midterms


I am proud to say that I have gotten through week one of midterms. I have three down and two to go. I don’t know what it is about midterms but, I think that most college students will agree when I say this….we don’t like them until their over. Midterms are not the average exam that most new freshman are used to, for some reason they are just more stressful. Personally, I don’t like them because no matter how much I know the material I always get nervous for absolutely no reason!


So some tips on studying for a midterm, whether you are a first timer or not…

a) get some good sleep the night before

b) avoid caffeine the morning of

c) relax, listen to some music while you study

d) take a deep breath and recall what you know


Good-luck on those midterms everyone, may the results be ever in your favor 😉



Quite a few students here at Embry Riddle Prescott have been following the progression of the 2014  Olympics, have you? As of yet, there has only been one unfortunate accident with the opening ceremony. Apparently the Olympic rings were supposed to start as flowers that extended to form the well known symbol however, one of them didn’t even open at all. This has been a rather embarrassing incident for Russia but, with each new day of Olympic challenges it will soon be behind them.










The rest of the opening ceremony was really intriguing however, I certainly did not want to miss a single thing!! I think my favorite part of the Olympics is when all the athletes from almost every country in the world walk in, waving their flags. It is so cool to see so many people who are so proud and happy to be representing their country in front of the whole world. It must be an amazing thing to be able to do.

So, now its time to wonder, what part of the Olympics is your favorite? Is the opening, the skiers, the skaters…..there are so many sports to choose from!! Comment below and let us know 🙂

Competition Has Arrived!

Well as of today, the reality of my upcoming flight competition has hit me. Today as I drove to the airport to begin my flight practice, I noticed that at least four of the teams for our upcoming competition have arrived. The first official competition events begin on Tuesday morning, and will continue through Friday with an awards ceremony on Saturday. I will be competing in all 4 flying events, an IFR simulator event, and the aircraft recognition event. This year the competition for our region has been intensified by the decision to combine our regional competition with another region, adding the US Air Force Academy, Utah Valley University, and several others to our competition. Since the competition is being hosted by us, we do have the “home field advantage,” but it doesn’t mean we are taking our practice lightly. This is the only preparation we will have before we fly back out to Ohio in May to compete at nationals in Columbus, Ohio, and we will use this experience as a measurement to see the performance of this years team in a true competition environment. I cannot wait to represent my team and my school, but with that also comes the responsibility and pressure to succeed. I will try to continue posting as the competition gets underway!