College is what you make it, so make the most of it

College looks different for everyone. Some people are at big schools others are at small, some are engineers while others are GSIS students, but we are all trying to optimize the time that we have in college. Whether we like it or not our undergraduate career is generally eight semesters, sometimes ten, but that is it, it basically boils down to 4-5 years. On the outside looking in, it seems like a long time, a lot of tests, and studying, and it is, but it is also so much more. College is a time to be yourself, grow, find out what you want to do with your life, and make it your own. School will always come first but college is much more than the lessons you learn in a fifty-minute class or on a homework assignment. It’s about the roommate conflicts, the late night coffee runs, and the spontaneous adventures to the dells at one in the morning. The long talks with new friends and letting go of old ones, learning to do your own laundry and time management, and everything in-between. But that is the beauty of it.

For me college is…

Friends who will always study with me


School spirit


Giving back




Late night Walmart adventures


Early morning coffee runs


Longing to see friends back home while creating lifelong relationships hereimg2097055872-1

Exploring the glorious world, we live in


And finding out what truly makes me happy


… What does college mean to you? And how are you/ will you make the most out of the short time you have here?

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About Megan

**Major:** Global Security and Intelligence and Global Business
**Hometown:** Renton, Washington
**Research:** Can’t wait to get started
**Activities:** Sorority Alpha Xi Delta, Chi Alpha, Swimming, Hiking/Exploring
**Favorite Class:** Introduction to Global Security and Intelligence
**Favorite thing to do in Prescott:** Explore downtown and hike
**In my free time I…** like to go swimming, spend time with my friends, craft, watch Netflix, and explore the great outdoors

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