Summer Hours Update

Dialing a Cell Phone


If you are looking to call anyone on campus over our summer sessions A and B please be advised that we are operating on Summer hours which are 7 to 5pm on Monday-Thursday. Therefore, the campus is closed on Friday. All counselors, professors, and other campus employees are more than happy to respond to voice-mail if you would like to leave one on a Friday, if you would like a direct connection please call during our hours posted above.

Thank you everyone, for reading this post!! We look forward to continue helping you in your journey here at Embry Riddle, have a wonderful weekend!!!!

Two weeks left!!


There are only two weeks left before the end of summer A courses!! It is amazing how fast it all goes by and how much you can learn in the short period of 6 weeks. So my question is what are your plans for the rest of the summer? Work, vacation, a summer B course, Field Training, etc.. Let us know!! We might be able to provide a little break from the summer boredom if you stop on by the campus and take a tour or for those of you students who live here check in with your RA for summer events.

For those of our readers who haven’t been to Riddle or will be attending in the Fall I highly suggest a tour first. My first day here during AFROTC zero week I had no idea where I was going and it just added to the confusion of in processing. So moral of the story is help yourself out!! Come visit early so you at least have a little bit of an idea on where you are going on your first day πŸ™‚

Well, thats all for now but, please let us know what your up to by commenting below!! Thanks everyone πŸ™‚

Summer Classes at Riddle

Hello readers and followers. Forthcoming Is the end of Summer session A and the start of Summer session B. Today I will let you in on the ups and downs of taking summer classes. Do you want to take summer classes? Maybe your nervous that the class will be too fast for you? Or maybe you want a personal insight.

I am Currently taking two classes over summer session A at Embry Riddle. So far so good. I have to say I enjoy taking summer classes because there are no dull moments in class. Over the regular school year you will cover material and then review material, while this is a great way to get material to stick. The problem I run into is forgetting the stuff you learned early on by the time the exam comes around. Over the summer you learn new material everyday, most classes are either 6 or 8 weeks. Within this time a midterm will normally be issued three or four weeks into the class and another just before the final.

So there is no doubt you cover material fast, but what if you have a summer job? depending on how demanding the class is summer classes can be very time demanding. Since you cover new material every class day there is more homework to be covered in a shorter period of time. I am taking two pretty demanding classes, Differential Equations and Linear Circuits, I work as a lifeguard on weekends only. Β Notice I said weekends only, working anymore then that is a bit ridiculous.

So if your still wondering if you should take summer classes, here is one last thought you should consider. Do you have the time for a class that is well paced and time demanding? Also, do you have the want or need to take this class? Maybe you need to take a summer class to stay on track for graduation, just keep in mind it takes hard work! If you have any questions feel free to email me.

Thanks for reading.

My email:

Pizza at the Pool


For those of our current Summer A session students who may not know, tonight there will be a pizza party at the pool from 7 to 9 pm!! Please stop on by for this special event as the pool will be open an extra two hours today and it is the perfect opportunity to swim under the stars in beautiful Prescott AZ. If you are a member of the local community who knows a student maybe you could tag along with them! We love to see new faces πŸ™‚

The event is being put on by the Housing Department here at Embry Riddle and it is just one of the many ways in which the Resident Assistants strive to keep all of the students connected and having fun over the summer and throughout the school year as well. If you have any questions about the event or one of the future events that will be held this summer please contact the Housing Department directly at 928 777 3744, Thank you!

Summer Camps at Embry Riddle



Our summer camps have just started at Embry Riddle in Prescott AZ. They are for students who are interested in the fields of engineering, intelligence, and so on. If you have a student around the age of 10 to 14 and they are interested in one of the fields of study we offer at Embry Riddle please give us a call today!! There may still be time to get your child some hands on experience in a field they might pursue a degree in one day!

For more information please call our Summer Programs Director at 928 777 3786. Or click here to visit their newly updated page!! Thanks for reading and have a great summer everyone!!

Summer Classes Continued


This is the fourth week of summer session A classes which means that its midterm time!! I personally have no idea when my midterm is as the class is going a bit slow but, I find that I am really enjoying Solid Mechanics. The only difficult part so far is Shear and Moment Diagrams. Any advice on those would be appreciated from out readers!!

A lot of other students had their first midterms last week so I really hope that mine will be soon. There is only one midterm for my class whereas some courses have three or four over summer, so the pressure on this one is high! However, I feel like I understand the material well, my professor is awesome πŸ™‚

So I would like to give a shout out to all the summer class takers….you are all extremely brave for diving into a condensed six week class and also to all the summer professors, you guys rock!! Please comment below if you are among us and have a professor that you would like to acknowledge for their excellence. Thanks everyone and good luck on those midterms!!

For those incoming students just chillax a little longer and enjoy your well earned summer of fun!!

It’s High School Grad Time!!


In the next few days all of our incoming freshman will be graduating from High School and we here at Embry Riddle would like to say Congratulations!!!! This summer will be an exciting time for all of our new students as you prepare for school here in the Fall. Take a look at our Facebook page and get to know some of the students that you will be living with come Fall. It is time to make some new friends and start an entirely new chapter of your education so get started today!!

Also, keep checking for emails from out Admissions office and your future professors, don’t forget to register for classes and set up your Ernie account on line so you can access all those courses!! And most importantly of all, have a fun and safe Graduation!!!!!

Being Flexible

Over the course of the past two months, I have done everything from producing a video for ERAU, taking finals, flying 5 aircraft across the country, competing in a national flying competition, moving a friend, traveling home, and in a week, I will return to Arizona only to be flown out to Denver for an interview, then return back to Arizona to start working again. While all of this may sound like me rambling about my recent adventures, it brings up a very key lesson for students, and especially pilots to understand.

Being flexible is one of the biggest tips I can give to any student or person interested in becoming a pilot. Why? Because words cannot explain the time constraints, deadlines, overwhelming amount of tasks, fun, stress, achievements, and accomplishments that will lie ahead. Now before you read this and think, “That doesn’t sound like fun” and reject all of your dreams and plans for school, take a deep breath and plan it out. While plans change, there is always a plan or some way to accomplish your dreams. As a student in college, you probably would rank family, school, friends, and sleep in that order of most important things in your life, or something fairly close to that. That being said, lets give an an example of why flexibility is key to the success of a student, and a pilot (or both for you Aeronautical Science students).

For an incoming freshman student, no matter what you do to prepare for your first week of school, things will not go as you expect. You will be learning the balance of being on your own, taking classes, doing homework, meeting new friends, checking out the town, learning about all of the extra campus activities, eating meals, and of course the last and potentially most important thing, SLEEP. During your week, you will find yourself overwhelmed. Even if you think you have everything planned and taken care of, you will remember last minute that you have an extra homework assignment to do, a club meeting to attend, or maybe your new friends knock on your door and drag you out for dinner last minute and take away from your studying or bed time. The best way I can explain this feeling is learning how to become a college student. Everything is always a choice. Someone once showed me this college triangle:College Triangle

To be honest, I don’t think this could be any more true. There is always a sacrifice with the decisions you make, but the decision you make isn’t always bad. College is your opportunity to start fresh from high school, to find who you really are, to succeed, to find your strengths and weaknesses, to grow up, and what I would say is the most important is to have fun. While I don’t think it is smart to let your grades tank because you are sleeping through classes and staying out with friends all night instead of studying, there should be a balance. This all loops back to my original topic of being flexible, because that is exactly what finding the balance is. Feel free to travel with friends over the weekend, but make sure you leave yourself with enough time on sunday night to prepare yourself for the week.

Storm Clouds in Prescott During the Summer

For pilots and Aeronautical Science students, flexibility will be the key to a less stressful life both in college and after. In addition to everything that was discussed above about college life, you now add the flight aspect. An extra part in your day dedicated to flying is a double edged sword when it comes to planning out your days. Your flight block allows you to have a dedicated time of the day that you will be scheduled, but also takes up a large portion of your day that you have to keep yourself available. No, this doesn’t mean you sit around and wait for four hours, but it does mean that if you are planning on doing something with friends, or counting on that time of day to be open for studying because you have plans at all other times through the day, it may or may not be available if you get scheduled. These activities are considered classes, therefore you can’t just tell your instructor that you are unavailable because you have plans already. With that, sometimes the weather will cause you to cancel, the aircraft may break, your instructor or you may end up sick, and so on. The one thing I have learned to do to plan for times like these is to always bring or prepare to fill that time with something else productive. If a flight gets canceled, or the flight line shuttle is going to be late, bring homework to stay ahead. It may also free up some extra time for you to go out with friends, or get to bed early. These are skills that will translate directly into the real world when you become an airline or corporate pilot. One day you may find yourself on reserve sitting at the airport all day, and get called in last minute to pick up a trip, or on the contrary, maybe the airport you are supposed to fly to closes due to weather and you find yourself overnight in a place other than you planned for.


College is an incredible time, and the fact that you can be a student and fly as a class is something that truly has always brought a smile to my face. The skills that I have learned at ERAU are skills that I will carry for my entire life throughout my personal life and my career. I hope this was helpful to some of you readers!

Embry Riddle Video Series


As some of our future students may know the folks in the admissions office are preparing a video series that will help you get ready for school here at Embry Riddle Prescott in the Fall of 2014. These videos will feature a campus tour, some helpful tips and information that you will need to know when you start school here, introductions to a few faculty and staff, and so much more!!

Please keep watching for emails from the admissions office as new videos will be coming out every few weeks. Don’t miss a single one!! Have a wonderful summer and come prepared for a fun fall semester, we can’t wait to meet everyone!!!

Summer Heat Wave


If you have been here in Embry Riddle Prescott in the last few days or you are heading here very soon be prepared for a heat wave!! The best way to handle the heat is to drink lots of ice water and stay in the shade. Try to work out in the early morning or after 8pm at night so you can avoid any heat related illnesses. The other option is to turn your workout into a nice swim at our saltwater pool on campus.

Whatever you choose to do, I hope that Embry Riddle is still apart of your summer plans, so stop on by and visit us today!