Classes so Far

This semester has already been challenging, and we are only three weeks in! My classes are much more enjoyable, but there is so much more to learn. Many of them are upper-level classes, so this semester is going to a lot harder than last.
on Monday, Wednesday and Friday I have: Islam Origins, with Dr. Jones, Social Psychology with Lohn, And Microeconomics with Dr. Carreras.
Dr. Jones’ class is mainly a lecture class. We have had one small paper due so far, and I racked my brain over it. It was only three pages, which I should have been able to do no problem, but for some reason I had way too much trouble (maybe i’m a little rusty?)
The class is very interesting, and it definitely gives me a new point of view on another religion and culture.
I knew I would enjoy Social Psych because I have always found psychology interesting. The class is a mix of discussion and lecture, but either way I find myself interested the entire time. we have already done one observational study on the public, and it really is amazing the ways in which people behave.
I only have Microeconomics on Mondays and Wednesdays. So far, it is one of my favorite classes. I have always been warned about how hard Dr. Carreras’ class is, and while it may be fast paced, I love it. His classes are lecture-style, and he constantly asks questions and includes students throughout. While the subject is not the most entertaining, Dr. Carreras has a way of making the class go by quickly, getting the information across in an understandable way and keeping the whole class laughing.
This semester I am presidet of the Film Maker’s Club. We produce the video yearbook each year, and I’m scared I won’t do a very good job, but I’m trying my hardest. We have a lot of fun and try not to take ourselves to seriously.
The Superbowl is this weekend, and I’ll be going down to Scottsdale with one of the roommates to go shopping on Saturday, have a nice dinner and stay overnight to watch the Superbowl on a friend’s Big screen TV on Sunday. It’s going to be a fun weekend!

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