Just a quick update on what’s happening with my life. Firstly, it’s several weeks into June and I haven’t been to the beach once, which is sad since I live less than 10 miles from the beach. Our JROTC unit took two field trips this year: one to Hawaii and one to Pensacola. The whole time we were at each of those places we were dying to go to the beach but in San Diego it seems like nothing special. I guess I just have to wait for Arizona where the beach is slightly less accessible. Well, right now I’m working at a flight school, which I believe I said earlier. I go in from 8am to anywhere between 2 and 5pm working on their website, marketing presentations/brochures, and graphic design. It’s a pretty fun job, but can be sort of confusing at times. The previous webmaster seemed to have locked all the templates and not labeled them very well so sometimes I’m working in the dark.
It may seem random, but I figured I’d show you all a picture of my dog…he’s a 5 year old long hair german shepherd:

My dog Jetson...our last dog was named Astro
One last item. Several weeks ago I was talking about the shipment I got from RHL (Residence Hall Linens). I thought they seemed pretty good at first, but in the end decided to return them. My biggest issue was the thread count of the sheets (180) compared to what I would normally buy (at least 250 or 300). I think when target and walmart start having dorm sales we’ll go in and buy all of my sheets, towels, etc. Anyway, I don’t think the product was horrible or anything, it was just that I think I can do better with the same amount of money. For anyone who just wants to buy everything quickly and in one place, I think RHL is a great solution.