I know I’m writing this after all the snow days, but I busy trying to carefully drive through it on those days! Since I’m a California girl, I’m not used to the snow, I still act and look like a child when I see it! I have only seen it fall once for a couple seconds and only been in it a handful of times- so for me, this was AMAZING! I live in Prescott Valley so I did not get hit as hard, but it was still oh so beautiful!<3

Wednesday January 20th, 2010. My Car, the day before the BIG storm! The front windshield was worse and very icy, so I had to get some water to get it all off! I had an appointment I had to make it to.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010. This was the day before the big storm as well. Stairs at my apartment!

Thursday, January 21, 2010. Right outside my apartment. This is in Prescott Valley, it was very pretty outside, I felt like playing in the snow!

Thursday January 21, 2010. Right Outside my Door. So much lovely snow<3
These pictures were taken last Wednesday and Thursday. I couldn’t get pictures on Friday because I was driving down to Phoenix during the huge storm!! It was pretty scary to drive with all the snow and then as I got down the mountain, it became heavy rain! So, it was a crazy experience and good thing I’m a live! 🙂
Part of me is happy the storm is done, but I do still love snow and definitely enjoy snow days! 😀