As promised, I am starting my second half of my stressful trip to California.
I left off at the basketball game which I fortunately got to see live. It was my first game and I thought it was really cool that it was outdoors. My next goal; however, is to see the Lakers live maybe even against the Suns. That would be so awesome and epicย :]
So here are a few of the photos I took up in the bleachers:

How awesome is this shot? I think we had such a great view.

Danica and I sitting on the bleachers, second from the top. It was an amazing view!

Not sure which school they were from, but they did pretty well for a big group of diverse dancers

Danica Sitting next to me in the bleachers! ๐

Defense Suns!!! DEFENSE

Suns versus Mavericks Basketball Game at Indian Wells Tennis Garden in So Cal
So after the game, we stayed at our friend’s house since it was pretty late. We hung out and the next morning we went back to my grandma’s house. Fortunately, my car was acting just fine~ no problems whatsoever. We got to the house and I helped out my grandma with dinner, she was having a big BBQ for some of the family. She makes the best BBQ Chicken! YUMMY!
My Uncle John called me that morning and told me he was coming over and that I need to be ready to take a motorcycle ride with him. I have been waiting to go on a ride since Spring Break! But his other motorcycle kept breaking down, so he never had it ready for me whenever I visited. But this time he bought a new bike that has higher speed capacity ๐ย
When he came over Danica asked me privately if she could take a ride as well because she has never been on a motorcycle before. I have only been on twice, but from the first time I fell in love. I was able to take a ride with my uncle up in the mountains to where we held my grandfather’s memorial. The second time was with a friend’s dad. We went on a LONG ride. At least a good hour or more. It was the coolest feeling in the world. Whenever I get a chance, I go on a ride. I am actually thinking of buying my own someday soon. Hopefully that will work out. My uncle said he would help teach me. So, anyways…My uncle offered Danica a ride after my ride. She was excited about it.

This is my Uncle John and his new Motorcycle. It goes pretty darn fast, it was a blast going on a ride with him!

After my ride Danica really wanted to try, she had never been on a motorcycle before. She enjoyed it.
I figured since it was a short ride I didn’t need to dress up awesome…now I wish I would have for the picture’s sake. ha ha.
After the ride, Danica and I took my car out to get a couple grocery’s and to make sure my car was still okay since we had a long drive home the next afternoon. It was running just fine. I got a little paranoid and thought it started jerking again, but I’m not sure if it did. If it did, it was only once and very quickly. We got back to the house and it was pretty crazy. There was a family issue that happened and in short words, my cousin is kicked out of my other uncle’s (his dad’s) house. Which I honestly think he should have been a long time ago. He is very disrespectful and he is 28 I believe. Yeah…time to give respect and move on in life, right?
Danica and I ate, which the food was amazing! Afterwards we head to bed. The next morning I got up semi early and cleaned my grandmother’s bathroom just to help her out a little. We packed all our stuff and headed on our way back to Arizona around 2:30 PM. Things were going okay until we hit Beaumont area. The RPMS started jumping again. I got off the I-1o Freeway and was fortunate enough to pull into a gas station. It almost died on me at the stop light! I called AAA AGAIN. It took them a few hours, but they finally got there and towed us to my cousin’s shop. He looked at it and found out that it was the alternator this time. Unfortunately, we arrived there around 5pm, so there was no way he could get the part. We had to wait until Tuesday morning! That meant we were going to miss all of our classes. How stressful. I called my teachers and left them e-mails, letting them know I could not make it. And they understood.
The next morning my cousin got the part and fixed my car up again. I had my sister drop us off at the shop and we packed our bags in the trunk and headed home. We got home around 7pm. With no car troubles, thank goodness. Although my car gave me a lot of trouble, it was still nice to see my family and friends. I also enjoyed getting away from the apartment for a while. It helped clear my mind and gave me a little time to relax. Although financially, there was no relaxing going on. HA HA. I don’t know what I would do without my grandmother, who helped me pay for my auto parts. It was the biggest help ever. I just hope my car will start being good. I am trying to look into another car, but I will have to wait until my Junior year when I sign up with the Navy and join their Baccalaureate program.
I hope when you guys go back home to visit your family, all will go well with your car! I would not even wish that craziness upon an enemy. ๐