How to Survive Finals Week…

I know most of you are thinking that this is the “million dollar question,” the interesting fact is that there are many different answers. Some students are able to handle the stress with dignity, while others lose all sight of sleep, health, and hygiene. Fortunately, I only lost the health portion; and maybe only a couple hours of sleep here and there. How was I able to this, you may ask? One word: prioritizing.

I actually bought a journal this year and two weeks before finals I decided to write down all my finals dates and the dates when all my projects, homework, and presentations were due. From there, I started writing out “to do” lists for each day; mind you, I didn’t always follow them 100%, but having them written out told me exactly what I needed to get done and what needed to be finished first. Yes, I did procrastinate like many students will, but I figured out which assignments needed to be turned in first and which exams I had to begin studying for. In the end, I had 2 exams on Saturday, 1 exam, a 14-page research paper, and a take home portion of an exam due on Monday, and my last exam was on Wednesday.

It sounds like a lot, and trust me, it was. First off, I spent Friday studying for my accounting and psychology exam. Then after taking both exams, I spent the whole rest of my weekend just hammering out my research paper and take home exam. (The take home exam ended up being about 6 pages long). Sunday night I studied for my exam on Monday and then finished my last touches on the research paper. After my Marketing exam Monday, I felt a lot better! I only had one exam left…

I was a little foolish though to relax so soon because when it came time to study for my Macroeconomics exam, it took me a while to get going. But sooner than later, I started making flash cards and made my studying experience more fun. I also went over my flash cards with a good friend of mine who will be taking the exam tomorrow, on Thursday. I even gave her my flash cards before going in to the exam. I wanted them to be put to good use and I knew she would benefit from them. After 2 hours in the exam room, I finally finished and it all felt worth it. It is a huge relief and an incredible feeling to be done.

I am excited for this month break and will be sure to use it wisely with friends and family. Stressful times, like finals, make you realize how much you actually miss being home with loved ones. My advice for any student during the next “finals week” is to try hard not to procrastinate, learn to prioritize your time, (finish your work from what is due first to what is due last) try to make studying fun with new techniques and with friends, and lastly, BREATHE~ remember that these classes are for your knowledge and benefit, enjoy them and learn from them.

This entry was posted in 2013 - 2014 by loganc2. Bookmark the permalink.

About loganc2

The main advice I have for incoming GSIS students is that you got to brush up on your history and current events. Start reading and writing more, so you can begin to enjoy it. And do NOT procrastinate, it could cost you your grade. This major is a lot of fun, and there is a little something for everyone. Personally, I love psychology the most.

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