“Stress + chess = chress” says my roommate Joshua Ann Dray. For the last two weeks we have been studying like no other and devoting time to our studies because that is our job. Lame. I hate studying, its a common feeling and we all know it! We found a way to divert our stress into a game that has been played for hundreds of years, CHESS! I was one of the chess nerds that was on the chess team in middle school and you know what, those Tuesday afternoons with a bunch of super-smart kids in a swamp-cooler room made it worth it because I tell you, beating people from France on online chess during Finals week (as nerdy as that sounds) is a great way of releasing much needed endorphins. I mean sure, endorphins result from binge eating of chocolate, Oreos, mounds of goldfish, killing Nazi zombies and yes, chess. As good as playing chess has been, it’s getting bad in Room 113. We must have thrown away hours of study time just to play people online and of course those wretched computers. Computers should not know how to play, they are so demoralizing because they know Every move! Computers are cocky and are cold machines that have wasted our time! My own laptop mocks me as I write this so time to transition to a new topic.
Time for the stress part of chress. I still have four finals left, Personality and Profiling on Monday, Humanities on Tuesday, Social Psychology on Wednesday and U.S. Foreign Policy. Ughhh I have a lot to do so I better abandon the chess-filled fun of my room and head to that cursed library which is about to explode because so many people are crowded in there!
>Chess has taken Joshua over to the dark side
So for Easter Break I went back home to Tucson with my friends Joe and Josh so that we could spend some time with my family and most importantly, so that they could experience Eegee’s. Unfortunately only a few people here at Riddle know what Eegee’s is and they are all from Tucson except our very own beloved Queen of Blogging Liesl Angelique Hall, and Tucsonans Daria and the vindictive soccer girl Whitney. April’s flavor of the month was Orange Dream and I usually am not a fan but this year it was better than I remember it. It was kind of strange seeing my school friends in a place that I have grown up around but it was cool at the same time. We just got to spend time around the house and then came back here to continue our studies. Studying ruins everything!!! Next year is going to be worse though so I guess I shouldn’t complain now. Oh well, Good Luck everybody!

I hope they liked it