Last Blog For A While

I will very soon be headed off to my training as part of my career path with AFROTC at Embry Riddle so this very well may be my last blog until the beginning of the semester. If you have enjoyed the blog do not fear! There are other bloggers who have tons of information to share as well 🙂 If you have any comments or questions please direct them to the Admissions department whose phone number is 928 777 6600 or please visit the University’s main website. We do offer a live chat with Admissions through the website as well, which is monitored daily so your questions will be answered very shortly!

Hope to be back soon, but until then have a fantastic summer and we will see you in Fall of 2014!!

Adjusting to Life in Prescott


For all of our incoming athletes out there, this one is for you! To adjust well to the new climate and elevation in Prescott AZ, the best advice that I can give comes from personal experience so listen up!

The most effective and fast way to acclimate is to drink water, lots of it. Additionally, make sure you are getting at least eight hours of sleep. Do not cut your sleep short, if you are running out of time to do homework then its your fault for not budgeting time well. So alter your daily patterns NOT your sleep patterns. Altering sleep patterns affects your athletic performance and it is easily noticeable on the field.

To avoid this situation don’t hang out with people until your work is done, you are here for school and if you do poorly in school then you may be dropped from your chosen sports program or from ROTC. There is no excuse for bad grades during freshman year, if your grades are bad its a problem with you and nothing else. Blame yourself and then fix the problem by spending your time more wisely. You can still have fun and be a responsible adult, trust me, it worked for me.

The last tip is to eat well. Focus on eating a balanced diet with three meals a day and at least two snacks. This diet will keep up your metabolism so you aren’t hungry all the time and it will help prevent illness by helping your immune system as well. Do not fall into the trap of poor eating habits because your parents aren’t around anymore, ultimately you will suffer if you do. Poor nutrition also shows in your performance on the field so be extremely cautious about balancing meals.

Well, I hope that helps! Please comment below if you have any questions or suggestions for our incoming freshman, and of course, good luck to everyone!! It will be a fun year for you!

Stuff to Bring to College


Today, I want to focus on all the things that I wish I knew or had when I first came to Embry Riddle. So, here is a general wish of all the stuff that students who are headed out to college for the first time, commonly forget to bring with them:

A rug: It livens up your space and makes it more homey

Batteries: these will always come in handy

A lock box of some kind: This is a good place to store letters and documents

A filing box: to store old notes

A cup or mug to hold pencils in

A desk organizer of some kind

Decorations from your room at home

A white board, hole puncher, and a stappler

A scanner for documents is really helpful too

That is just scratching the surface so please feel free to comment with thoughts, suggestions, and questions! Have a great rest of the summer!

Dorm Chores


For those of our incoming freshman who have not had to ever do chores you better be prepared to do your own laundry, clean, sweep, and wash dishes or you may have some trouble adjusting to the life of a broke college kid. Please come prepared with at least a list of standard chores that you and your room mates will be expected to do. Even the gross things like cleaning the toilet and taking out the trash.

No one will do these things for you so, if you want to keep a cleanly lifestyle its time to face the music and clean up after yourself. It really is not that bad if you keep up on it, the dorms are easier to clean than your house at home and with help the chores can go by quite fast.

There is a monthly heath and wellness inspection in the freshman dorms so if you do not keep the place clean each week your RA will know and if your room is not up to inspection standards you will face penalties from the Housing Office. So please, if you learn one thing this year this is it!!! Cleanliness is key to success in all you do, so get cracking!

End of Course Evaluations


Just a reminder to our Summer A students that course evaluations are due at noon tomorrow!! Don’t forget to fill them out online and submit them as in some cases it will have a positive affect on your grade 🙂

For our incoming students who do not know what course evaluations are don’t worry, it is a simple questionnaire regarding your perceptions of the course you have completed and how well you learned the material. You will have to complete an evaluation for each course every semester that you are enrolled at Embry Riddle. It is just a tool for the faculty to determine how well each course is being taught and if any changes should be made in the future.

These evaluations are available in the last two weeks of courses and take less than 5 minutes to fill out, just remember to provide constructive feedback!! Thanks for reading everyone, and good luck on finals!!!


modern office interior

We have been getting a lot of questions about Professors and their office hours lately, so for all of our incoming freshman here is some info you will need to know. Professors have whats called office hours, these are set times that they will be in their office to help you with any questions and concerns that you might have. All of our professors at Embry Riddle Prescott are required to have 10 office hours a week to assist you with whatever it is you need.

If you are unable to meet with a professor during their office hours then email them to set up an appointment 🙂 It;s as easy as that, so don’t be shy. Get the help you need!!! Also, see our next blog for information about tutoring on campus for those kids who need some extra help. Thanks for reading!!!

Summer B


As this week finishes up and we get closer and closer to finals so does the start of the Summer B semester. If you are taking a Summer B course please remember to pay your tuition and don’t slack off!!! Summer courses go by really fast and can have more consequences for doing poorly than regular semester courses can. No matter what just stay motivated to complete that course!!!

I wish you all the best of luck during Summer B, I am sure it will all turn out favorably as long as you put in the work 🙂 Have a nice one everybody!!!

Interview with General Trask

Ricky Opening paragraph

Max Sandoval, Director of Embry-Riddle Prescott’s Marketing and Communications, recently interviewed, two star general, Major General Thomas J. Trask to discuss his thoughts on being asked to make the commencement speech as well as his thoughts about his time with Embry-Riddle.

Max: How do you feel about being asked to speak at the commencement at the Prescott Campus?

General Trask: Truthfully, I was completely shocked and it was a thrill to be asked. Being asked to speak at such an event was such a surprise. The thought never crossed my mind.

Max: Without giving away too much can you please tell me what topics you are going to be speaking about in your commencement speech?

General Trask: The topics of interest will include things I learned at both campuses. I went to Daytona Beach as well as Prescott and while they are very different, the things that I learned are similar. So, one of the topics will be “what I learned at Embry-Riddle” and the most important thing that I learned was how to resolve problems. My degree program forced me to learn about the how to resolve problems that are placed in front of you. I really got a license to learn how to resolve problems.

Max: What is an example of the toughest hurdle you have had to overcome in your career or life?

General Trask: My toughest hurdle was the realization that life is a team sport.  You need to make the team better and realize what you can contribute. You realize success involves making the team better.

Max: What is the motivation that lies at the core of who you are that pushes you to achieve?

General Trask: Several factors motivate me however the factor which I reflect on the most is the ability I have to affect young people. That is the greatest motivating factor that pushes me to excel.  Young people can and will change the world and I can shape their minds and the things they do to achieve success and develop others around them. I love being involved in shaping a person’s life, whether through the military or another professional career.

Once I retire I would love to get back into education and continue to help young people.

Max: So, your previous answer is a great segway into my next question – where do you see your career going in the future – possibly after the military?

General Trask: The military has been a wonderful career and I never would have thought of seeing myself in the position I am in now. When I return to civilian life I would ideally like to get into the university environment in an administrative role. Education is extremely important.

Max: What advice do you have for current ROTC students?

General Trask: For the new officers in ROTC, have a plan that is flexible.  It is such a critical time to come into the military and a mindset that has the discipline and the mindset. It is an exciting time to be in the military.

Max: Looking back, what are some unexpected benefits?

General Trask: Greatest unexpected benefits were the connections I would experience.  I went to both DB and PR and had friends and contacts at both. To this day I still use this network because it has uses in every industry.  It is a great resource.

Max: Looking back when you first started studying, where did you think your education would take you?

General Trask: My plan was coming in on an ROTC scholarship and my plan was to be an engineer and serve in the military and then go out into the private industry.  I got the flight training at Riddle and thought I could go back to engineering. And never dreamed I would be in the military 30 years and still love it.

Finals Next Week!!

Even if you are sleeping in the library.....

The time is almost here to study like crazy and finish up the Summer A session strong everyone!! Finals begin next week so don’t let them catch you by surprise!! Library hours for finals will be posted inside the library so stop on by and take a look, the library is a pretty quiet place to study this time of year.

Also don’t forget to submit those end of course evaluations everyone, they are really important feedback for professors. If you don’t like something about the course here is your chance to voice your opinion and change it!

With that said, have a great week everyone and do well on those Finals!!!

Facilities Use Over Summer


Recently we have been receiving a lot of questions about our Athletic Facilities and specifically Pool Hours. So, here is your update 🙂

The pool is open from 11am to 6pm daily, so stop on by!!

Our Eagle Gym and the Fitness center are currently closed for additional construction that will complete the final stage of the gym remodel. Additionally, the gym is for those who have a valid Eagle ID card. Any users may be asked by staff to present said ID card at any time for verification purposes.

The track is open 24/7 for students to exercise on as are the lower fields. However, please be advised that at times certain areas/fields will be in use by the numerous summer camps that the campus is hosting. Please be respectful of their activities and wait until the field is free to use, or go to one of our other 3 fields.

Thanks again everyone for staying up to date on summer events/facilities here at Embry Riddle!!!