Midterm Time Tools


Our second round of midterms begin this Friday!! After that there are only 28 days left before finals!!!! It is now down to that nerve wracking part of the semester when projects, presentations, final home works, and lab reports are due. It is simply amazing how fast yet another semester has gone but, as midterms approach the nerves never really go away.

If your a nervous test taker you know what I’m talking about, the sinking feeling in your stomach, the sweaty palms, and the panicked feeling as you search your brain for tiny details. It does get easier with time and practice but, there is always that initial feeling when you pick up that pencil and start staring down the midterm that will determine how hard you need to study for the final. For some reason midterms in college seem so much harder although they really shouldn’t, I mean you have done them all your life right?

Well, yes but, it can still be very difficult. So for our potential new freshman and current students who have some serious test nerves here are a few tricks that may help you out!

1. Take a deep breath and let it out!

2. Do not drink highly caffeinated drinks the day before your exam and within the hour before you take it. This will kill the jittery feeling in your stomach. Instead drink a lot of water the day before.

3. Get a good night of sleep, if possible have a regular sleep schedule for yourself.

4. Study in the gym, hop on a tread mill and put in those headphones while reading your notes. You burn off excess energy and stress which helps you focus!

5. Make your “cheat sheet” early and review it often.

6. Eat a well rounded dinner the night before and breakfast the day of to fuel your brain.

Finally, just relax, you know your stuff!! You are going to do great 🙂 Try this strategy out and if it works for you then do it again during finals, over time test anxiety goes away but, you have to put in the effort to make it so!

Preview Day is here!


If you happen to be visiting Embry-Riddle in Prescott this weekend for preview day feel free to grab a student you see wandering around campus and say hello!! The majority of students are very friendly (they won’t bite!) and all of them are willing to share their experiences with potential students.

Preview Day is a very exciting day for all of us here to meet our future potential freshman and recruit them into activities or organizations that they might enjoy. Each of our campus organizations are like a smaller family in a large community of students. We all get along well and support the other organizations by going to their events and fundraisers. Many campus organizations also do community service events. So if any of our new freshman are interested in gaining a family away from home and giving back to the community at the same time then please stop by the organization booths that will be set up on preview day 🙂 We would all love to meet you and help you find the perfect fit here at Riddle.

Preview Day is also a good day to check out our academic buildings on campus and meet some of the professors that you will be learning from in the future. Preview Day is all about YOU!!! College is one of the biggest growing/learning experiences you will have in your life so please come prepared with questions for our faculty, staff, and students. We would love to take part in your college decision and hopefully, make Embry Riddle the right place for you 🙂

Spring Break Recap

Ah, the infamous college spring break. One of the most anticipated breaks of the year.  Gather an easy-going group of people, jump in a car, and hit the road.

If you’re a baseball fan, man are you in luck. And even if you aren’t, Phoenix is the hub for spring training and it is pretty awesome. You can go to endless games for a decent price at any of the teams’ stadiums. My friends and I snagged tickets for an Oakland A’s/Anaheim Angels game. Nothing was better than Arizona heat, laying in the lawn, and watching America’s favorite past time.

After Phoenix, we drove back to Prescott for a day or so. But the weather was perfect and I was able to hike Granite Mountain, which is one of the things I will miss the most when I leave this place. Just look at this view.

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I am fortunate enough to have pretty much the most laid back group of friends in existence so we kind of just packed up, and drove to Malibu and camped on the beach at Point Mugu. It was too rad. We were swimming with seals and dolphins just past the wave break. For me, nothing is better than a campfire, roasting marshmallows, card games, the sound of waves, and of course that night sky.

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Next up was Santa Barbara. We hiked through some mountains that had more variety of vegetation than any mountain I have ever seen. At the top, it over looked the city of Santa Barbara and the Channel Islands. The next few days, we were just living the beach bum life off the harbor and ate enough fish to last us a year.

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Finally, we were in Tucson getting even more sun! Don’t ask how it happened, I told you we were spontaneous.

The best part, getting back to Prescott and realizing the school year is almost over! Final stretch. Overall a very fulfilling senior year spring break. Hope yours was equally as great!

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From ERAU to OSU for Graduate School in Medical Physics

I am so incredibly ecstatic to announce that you are looking at the newest member of the joint Medical Physics program between Oregon State University and Oregon Health and Science University. Upon graduation in May, I will be moving to Portland, OR to start my graduate school career that ERAU has so greatly prepared me for!

It is not uncommon for students in physics to continue their education after earning their bachelors degree. My professors were a huge help in this process by giving me advice, writing me letters of recommendation, and telling me about their experiences in graduate school.

Embry-Riddle offers a select few Master’s degrees and PhD programs which can be explored here, http://prescott.erau.edu/degrees/index.html. I apologize for the short post, I just wanted to share my excitement!!




Three Trophies to Air Force ROTC at SCIDM


The Air Force ROTC Honor Corps of Det 028 at Embry Riddle Prescott Az has proudly returned from the Southern Invitational Drill meet with three trophies!!!!! Our teams performed excellently this year and we are more than happy to be returning victorious.

For some who may not know what SCIDM is, it is a drill competition for both senior and junior level ROTC detachments in the nation. The competition celebrated its 50th year on Feb 28th with competition teams as far away as Washington and Utah. From Prescott, AZ it takes about 7 hours to make the trip into Redondo Beach and compete but, it is well worth it. The teams, Rifle, Sabre, and Honor Guard, spend about 10 hours a week perfecting each performance. We are known as one of best Corps in Northern Arizona and we are very proud of it as we put in large amounts of work every week.


If you are interested in joining AFROTC please consider joining a team on the Honor Corps. If you have any questions please let me know I am more than capable of answering them.

A Lesson From Newton…

…and no I don’t mean Sir Issac.  I’m talking about the cross-eyed siamese cat that resides in my apartment.  If there is anything I’ve learned from Newton, its that sunshine is the best form of therapy.  Vitamin D from exposure of our Sun is proven to show an increase in brain function and mood.

School will get stressful and it’ll be easy to get lost in your work but make sure you take the time to keep yourself happy and healthy.  Our sunshine activities from this past President’s Day weekend included rock climbing, kayaking, and a lot of lounging.


How cool is it that we live in a place that where its warm enough in February (sorry east cost) to go outside for a whole weekend?  Don’t cheat yourself by by skipping a walk on a nice day just because you’re a little busy.  Speaking of weather, did you know we have a meteorology here at ERAU?  Check out this link to some weather resources! http://meteo.pr.erau.edu/ 

Road Trippin’ – University isn’t just about studying – get out and experience the U.S.!

One of the greatest things about Prescott isn’t its surroundings (although they are GORGEOUS). The best thing about Prescott is its location between numerous travel destinations. Not only is it centrally located 4-5 hours between ~11 national parks, it is only 4 hours drive from Las Vegas and 6 hours drive from downtown LA. Those locations don’t appeal to you? No problem, check out Lake Powell, or SixFlags Magic Mountain in CA, the Grand Canyon, or Moab, UT, or…..

You get the point. Check out the video below to see a few of the locations mentioned above, which I have had the amazing opportunity to visit! [And remember, I’m only a freshman!]




There are so many out of state road trip opportunities near to Prescott, when coupled with all the things there is to do IN Prescott you’ll never find yourself short on things to do.

College Decisions


When it comes time to make those college decisions it can be pretty scary and intimidating. The best way to do it is to get all the facts. Find a college that has the major you want and if you change your mind about your major ensure that the college has something else your interested in doing. Also, check out there area you will be living in. Do you like the weather there? The city or a rural area? What is the culture like in that area? Make sure you also research stuff you can do in the area. This is something I did not do before I came here, but I was pleasantly surprised to find that there are a lot of interesting things to do (provided you have the $$) withing a 3 hour radius of Prescott.

Also, look into the living costs of the area. Check out the on campus housing and local housing in the area. When you choose to move off campus you will need to know how much it will cost and if you can afford it. You should also look into the job market in the area. Many college students pick up a job to get some extra cash or to help work there way through school.

The last thing you should check out is students feedback on the university. This blog is a great source of feedback and many universities have similar resources available for potential students to use. I personally, am glad that I chose Embry-Riddle. It is the best place for me academically and for my AFROTC career as well. If I had to make the choice over again I definitely would. 🙂 If you have any questions or requests please let me know!

Good Friends at Riddle

AFROTC!!!! Im in the middle :)

AFROTC!!!! Im in the middle 🙂

Since I have been at Embry-Riddle I have made many crazy awesome friends all because of AFROTC. Joining ROTC has definitely been my best decision yet and the friends I have made as a result will be long lasting due to the things that we have been through together. From day one with my flight in zero week we began a training journey with shared experiences, struggles, and sacrifices. Unfortunately, not everyone has made it through to junior year but, regardless we are all still close friends.

I think that that my ROTC friends have helped me grow personally, academically, and as a leader. As we have all spent many hours preparing for our leadership roles through memorizing procedures, staying up late doing homework, and relying on each other to get to PT in the morning we have become closer and stronger as a team. The friends I have made here are not only friends but, family. We all know the difficulties of being Air Force cadets at a top rated engineering school and without these friends none of us would have been as successful.

If you are looking for a rigorous academic program and a potential future in the US Air Force then Embry-Riddle Prescott is the place for you. The detachment on this campus is known as “The Best in the West”  due to our intense leadership training and professional atmosphere. The program can be stressful and trying however, on completion you will get more out of it than you put in. If you have any questions give us a call today! Our admissions page can be found here.

Rainy Day in Prescott AZ

Its not every day that we get the pleasure of wearing rain boots and splashing our way to classes here in Prescott AZ but, we were fortunate enough to experience rain all through last night and into early morning today. See some of the gorgeous pictures of our rainy day sunrise here in Prescott 🙂

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Water dripping from the branches

Water dripping from the branches



Reflection of the clouds in a puddle

Reflection of the clouds in a puddle









Gorgeous right!! Come on by to visit us on this beautiful day 🙂 You can schedule a visit here, if you have any questions please feel free to call. We look forward to hearing from you!