


Have you ever wondered how the weather is predicted and tracked? Well if you want to know more perhaps its time to visit Embry Riddle in Prescott Arizona to check out our Meteorology program!! Please schedule a visit today and let us know your interests. We can set you up to attend a class, meet a professor, see our air craft and so much more!! When you visit us the door to a whole new world of experiences opens, its up to you to walk through and join our community πŸ™‚

We look forward to seeing you on campus very soon. Have a wonderful day everyone!!

Back to School Count Down!!


There are 22 days left until the Fall semester starts! Are you prepared?? Here is a general checklist of items that you may need to complete before you arrive here on campus for the Fall 2014 semester πŸ™‚

1. Buy text books

2. Buy sheets (the website should have been mailed to you by the Housing Department)

3. Pack up your room (there is a packing list that was provided by the Housing Department as well, if you need another or have questions give them a call!)

4. Plan your trip by plane, train, or automobile!

5. Attend Orientation

6. Classes begin August 25th!!

Also, it may be a good idea to confirm your class schedule, pay tuition, and take a tour of our beautiful campus.


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I had the pleasure of getting to see Galveston Texas yesterday!! If you have ever been to Texas you know how awesome it is down there!! I highly suggest going if you are in the area and you get the chance to. The beach is gorgeous and the water is very warm, it is so different from the west coast waters which are very cold even in the summer.

If you get the chance to travel before the summer is over then take the trip down to Texas, it is a wonderful place to visit with so many different places to see and experience. If you have taken a trip this summer please let us know where! You can comment below and add a picture if possible πŸ™‚ We look forward to hearing from you and we will see you in the Fall!!

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August is Basically Here!!


August 1st is tomorrow and that means that school is just a few short weeks away! For our incoming freshman it is time to start packing up and getting ready to come to Arizona!!! Some packing tips are:

A) roll your clothes to create smaller bundles

B) Use vacuum seal bags to save space

C) Buy the last few items you need (like pain killers, toiletries, laundry stuff, etc) when you arrive

D) Don’t bring too many books or decorations from home as they can take up a lot of space

E) buy your bed sheets when you arrive on campus

Hope these tips help our new freshman, if you have any comments or questions please let us know below!!

Ever Been to the South?


Over the last few weeks I have definitely had some interesting adventures and life lessons learned. One of those lessons is not to judge a place until you actually have been there. I used to think that I would not like anywhere in the South because I am not a hot weather/humidity type of a person. However, when I spent time in the south for my AFROTC training I actually loved it!!

Sure the heat and the humidity made it kind of gross and sweaty all the time but, the area is beautiful! I loved seeing all the trees and greenery every time I went outside. The sunsets and sunrises were also very majestic which totally made my day! I can honestly say that despite the tornado we saw and the heat/humidity, I love the South!

So my advice to you is not to judge a place before you actually visit it! I hope that this encourages you to stop on by our Embry Riddle campus in Prescott Arizona before you make up your mind for sure πŸ™‚ Thanks for reading everyone!

I am Back!



Hello everyone! I recently finished up Field Training and I have progressed to the POC in Air Force ROTC. For those of you who will be joining us at the Prescott campus in ROTC you will definitely see me around. My advice for those of you who will be joining is to have fun but be professional, if you plan to continue in the program it is extremely important to keep that balance.Β  Additionally, keep in shape and hydrate!!!

We look forward to seeing you in the fall, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns please feel free to write to us! Have a great day everyone.

End of Course Evaluations


Just a reminder to our Summer A students that course evaluations are due at noon tomorrow!! Don’t forget to fill them out online and submit them as in some cases it will have a positive affect on your grade πŸ™‚

For our incoming students who do not know what course evaluations are don’t worry, it is a simple questionnaire regarding your perceptions of the course you have completed and how well you learned the material. You will have to complete an evaluation for each course every semester that you are enrolled at Embry Riddle. It is just a tool for the faculty to determine how well each course is being taught and if any changes should be made in the future.

These evaluations are available in the last two weeks of courses and take less than 5 minutes to fill out, just remember to provide constructive feedback!! Thanks for reading everyone, and good luck on finals!!!

Two weeks left!!


There are only two weeks left before the end of summer A courses!! It is amazing how fast it all goes by and how much you can learn in the short period of 6 weeks. So my question is what are your plans for the rest of the summer? Work, vacation, a summer B course, Field Training, etc.. Let us know!! We might be able to provide a little break from the summer boredom if you stop on by the campus and take a tour or for those of you students who live here check in with your RA for summer events.

For those of our readers who haven’t been to Riddle or will be attending in the Fall I highly suggest a tour first. My first day here during AFROTC zero week I had no idea where I was going and it just added to the confusion of in processing. So moral of the story is help yourself out!! Come visit early so you at least have a little bit of an idea on where you are going on your first day πŸ™‚

Well, thats all for now but, please let us know what your up to by commenting below!! Thanks everyone πŸ™‚

Summer Classes at Riddle

Hello readers and followers. Forthcoming Is the end of Summer session A and the start of Summer session B. Today I will let you in on the ups and downs of taking summer classes. Do you want to take summer classes? Maybe your nervous that the class will be too fast for you? Or maybe you want a personal insight.

I am Currently taking two classes over summer session A at Embry Riddle. So far so good. I have to say I enjoy taking summer classes because there are no dull moments in class. Over the regular school year you will cover material and then review material, while this is a great way to get material to stick. The problem I run into is forgetting the stuff you learned early on by the time the exam comes around. Over the summer you learn new material everyday, most classes are either 6 or 8 weeks. Within this time a midterm will normally be issued three or four weeks into the class and another just before the final.

So there is no doubt you cover material fast, but what if you have a summer job? depending on how demanding the class is summer classes can be very time demanding. Since you cover new material every class day there is more homework to be covered in a shorter period of time. I am taking two pretty demanding classes, Differential Equations and Linear Circuits, I work as a lifeguard on weekends only. Β Notice I said weekends only, working anymore then that is a bit ridiculous.

So if your still wondering if you should take summer classes, here is one last thought you should consider. Do you have the time for a class that is well paced and time demanding? Also, do you have the want or need to take this class? Maybe you need to take a summer class to stay on track for graduation, just keep in mind it takes hard work! If you have any questions feel free to email me.

Thanks for reading.

My email:

Pizza at the Pool


For those of our current Summer A session students who may not know, tonight there will be a pizza party at the pool from 7 to 9 pm!! Please stop on by for this special event as the pool will be open an extra two hours today and it is the perfect opportunity to swim under the stars in beautiful Prescott AZ. If you are a member of the local community who knows a student maybe you could tag along with them! We love to see new faces πŸ™‚

The event is being put on by the Housing Department here at Embry Riddle and it is just one of the many ways in which the Resident Assistants strive to keep all of the students connected and having fun over the summer and throughout the school year as well. If you have any questions about the event or one of the future events that will be held this summer please contact the Housing Department directly at 928 777 3744, Thank you!