This was the snow that was left on my car about a day before I left for my vacation<3

I'm not sure why, but I absolutely love snow~ so this was an exciting time for me!

To me, this is beauty. I have never been raised around snow, so it is so beautiful to me.

Look at the fields of snow! *Giddy dance*
I was then off to Cali~ about a 4.5 hour drive. I actually went really late Thursday night and ended up getting to my grandma’s at about 11pm. It was a lot of fun though since I LOVE night driving. The first night I went to my grandma’s in Fontana and stayed there for about week. I was in and out of her place though because my sister and brother-in-law live about 15 minutes away!! The first Saturday out there I went to Disneyland with my sis and bro-in-law. They also set me up with a blind date~ believe it or not, he was actually pretty fun! We had a great time and I ended up getting a free ticket, so it was a lot of fun! I then decided to drive to San Diego to get away from family and go to the beach and see a friend of mine, Cody. 🙂 It was a lot of fun being there, I have only been to San Diego about twice, so MORE pictures!

Home Sweet Home! This is my drive in Cali, headed to San Diego.

This is my friend Cody and I in San Diego! He lives right off the shore.

I love Cody's face here, and funny enough~ we ran into the man in the background on our way back from the beach!

What a beautiful ocean and what an awesome friend
After that week I then went and resided with a close friend of mine in Sky Valley- Palm Springs area. I got to meet up with a lot of my childhood friends, some I have not seen in more than a year! It was great. I also got to meet up with my mentor~ a retired pilot that I got in contact with through one of the scholarships I received. He and his wife were amazing and so very helpful and encouraging. They gave me wise words of advice and are trying to help me get more money/scholarships so I can start my flight lessons!<3

This is my mentor, Marty. He is a great mentor and we took this in front of Mimi's Cafe for lunch
I must say, it was such a relief to get away from reality for a while. Get away from studying, books, homework, work, drama, exes, and boys in general. I loved being with my friends and family. It was an amazing trip and I absolutely enjoyed it and needed it!