Last time I wrote I talked about my amazing time in California, although I was not able to drive anywhere to see any of my friends. But I at least got my car fixed for half the price it would have been if I kept it in Arizona. I also had a not fun experience at the DMV getting a one-trip permit so I could drive my car to Arizona and get it smogged and registered in Arizona.
So I finally left my family and 5 hours later I was in Surprise, AZ. I drove straight to the Smog emissions and I passed. =] Afterwards I went to my exes house and visited with his family, just patching up old wounds and making things better. After that I went to the Phoenix Airport and picked up my good friend, Will for Oklahoma. Then we went to In N’ Out, since he has never been to one before! Afterwards we went up to Prescott and I showed him my University and around the town, it was fun. He also taught me this fun dice game called “Farkle”. I got good at it. A couple days later I took him down back to the Phoenix Airport.
That same night my Best friend, Danica was supposed to be flying out. I have known her since 6th grade/middle school. She ended up moving from California to North Carolina right before our High Schools years, but we stayed close friends. So, she was coming out and moving in with me, but her flight was delayed until the next morning. So my friend in Gilbert let me stay over and we picked her up the next morning. All of us hung out and caught up. He let us both spend the night since Danica was exhausted having to stay all night at an airport.
The next morning Danica and I went up to Prescott and got settled in. I showed her around PV and Prescott, we have been having a great time. She started looking for work right when she got here and enrolled into college classes. Things are going pretty well, just waiting until she gets called back for a job, but for right now we are making it since she saved some money and I finally got my scholarships from school. I am also working at school and for the caregiver job down in Phoenix.
Oh, and back in July Danica and I went back down to Gilbert and spent my 19th birthday with our friend, Matt (the one who let us stay over). He surprised me with an ice cream Oreo cake. It was amazing!! 🙂

This was the Oreo Cake Matt got me 🙂 YUMMY!!! Great 19th Birthday<3

My best Friend, Danica and I on my 19th birthday 🙂