I am taking my first night class here at ERAU and it actually is not that bad despite the long hours and cold outside coupled with the deserted dark campus. It is SIS320, or Topics in Global Politics, History and Culture with my favorite Dr. Stephanie Trombley. The topic this semester is: GENOCIDE, so although the class might be depressing because it is both a night class and 2 and a half hours long and about genocide, I like it. Today we talked about the Armenian Genocide that occurred in the 1910’s and discussed the fates of the government and collapse of the Ottoman Empire. To me the class went by really quickly and during the break that we had in between the class my friend Lauren and I ran and got some coffee from Outtakes. I don’t know what coffee I got because I’m not really into caffeine, but now I’m wired and my roommate Josh is tired, plus we have PT tomorrow so this isn’t a good mix. Anyway, tomorrow is my birthday and at least I don’t have to take the pt test, or APFT, tomorrow morning because that would be a bad start to the day. I took it on Wednesday with the rest of my platoon and got a score of 292 or something. Considering the unholy amounts of goldfish and Oreos that I consumed over break and the fact that I did not run once during my free time, it is pretty good. My run time was awful for me but at least it was in the maxing category. For the rest of the day today I ran around doing errands and talking to professors and then went to my MSL class. Joe and I fooled around and make a duck with the bills of our hats and later I was talking to one of my friends back home via text. We still have a good work ethic even though it sounds like we were goofing off, even if it was only for a little bit. I’ll put a picture of them up here again just for kicks because it is a good photo too.

sorry its sideways, our duck