U.S. Airways A320 Sim!

So I had the great chance of flying the full motion A320 sim at U.S. airways this past weekend! I got home at 5:30am on Monday morning so I am still really tired and I have a flight here pretty soon. Still am safe enough to fly so no worries about that. Anyways, the sim was stressful! Fun but really stressful. We had to deal with emergencies, approaches, and hand flying that really big sim all while trying to be a team. It was really hard and at one point I though I was going to fail. I ended up getting a 90% on the sim so I must have done something right. I cannot wait to fly the real jetliners with a real airline. I’m putting up a video. It’s not the best but enjoy! Anyways, time for a flight so TTYL!

A320 Sim

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