So far this semester has been crazy, I am taking 18 credits, am an MSIII (junior) in the Army ROTC program here and am a little swamped by all the extracurricular activities I am trying to do. Last semester was even busier and I didn’t really have time to write some blogs because of everything that was happening but I am back!
Today I saw a large group of people on a tour of the school and I remembered what it was like when I came here on my first tour with my parents. I remember being impressed right away with the academic environment here and how I felt that I would be able to fit right in with the classes that the GSIS progam would offer. Just the other day in the bookstore I saw a family visiting for their first time and looking at the GSIS books. I haven’t bought every book I need for the semester so I was in there buying one and took a few minutes to talk to them. Their son was interested in joining GSIS so I was just telling him the names of the classes I took last semester and the ones I am taking this semester to hopefully add to his excitement of joining us next year. My schedule last year was:
Studies in Global Intelligence 1
History of Terrorism (my favorite class so far)
Officership I (Army ROTC class)
Information Protection & Computer Security
U.S. Government
and this semester:
Studies in Global Intelligence II (War Games, Senior Capstone Course)
Corporate Security Management
Officership II
Emergency Management & Contingency Planning
Intelligence & Technology
U.S. Military History
I don’t know about you but those classes sure sound pretty cool and intense. Well, intense is right, I am swamped this semester but the odd thing is that I like it because I came here to learn this stuff and I enjoy it. Now it if was math, business statistics or anything involving the laws of physics than you would probably be reading pseudo-rants about how Math rules my life but fortunately I never have to take it again! Mathematics, like killer bees, are things I avoid because I find no positive by having interaction with either.
The Army ROTC has been very different this year because I am a junior, or MSIII. I haven’t reported much on it yet but let me just say that I am learning a lot more about leading by being put in actual leadership positions when I am in charge of others and am working with my peers to produce a positive end result. I have made quite a few mistakes this year but I am continually learning from them. I was a part of the Ranger Challenge team last Fall and that was quite an adventure, being able to take part in the competition again and to experience that with my friends. If anyone ever has questions about joining the ERAU Army ROTC program please email me at

The Ranger Challenge Obstacle Course

The Obstacle Course

Possibly the greatest picture