Sept. 1-5

This first week of school is over. It was an overall easy week just getting to know your professors and the course syllabus and getting into swing of things. A couple of classes look like they are going to be challenging.

One of these classes is Weather 301. As a Aeronautical Sciences student, I am required to take two weather classes for my degree. In the Spring, it took the first one, Weather 201, which dealt with high and low pressure systems, convergence, divergence and a general overview of the atmosphere and weather conditions. This year in Weather 301, it looks like it’s going to be all that and more. Thunderstorms, radar and satellite images, warm and cold fronts, it just looks like a lot more work and memorization, but I have been wrong before.

Physics looks like it’s going to be ok, I did pretty well last semester so I don’t think I would struggle with this course.

I started my instrument ground school and this one looks like the hardest. So many more things to learn and memorize make the entire rating look very complicated. We haven’t covered much expect instruments and all. Haven’t start with flying due to some paper work problems but hopefully it will all get resolved by next week. I look forward to this semester.

Aug. 25-29

Freshman year flew by last year and I quickly found myself on summer break; but just like school, summer flew by as well so before I knew it, I was already back at ERAU for another school year. I had come back at the end of June to take some classes in the Summer B semester and to get ahead in flight so I’ve been in school for a couple of months now. However, summer school did not feel like school at all. It felt more like a summer camp, that is, until the new students arrived. The parking lot was packed again and it was again hard to find a parking spot. Many new faces were walking around campus and now, long lines were all over campus so it took forever to get things done.

Despite all these, I couldn’t wait for the school year to start. The people I met and the friends I made were special enough to make me come back. In fact, I couldn’t wait for anybody to come back so we can hang out on the lawn in front of the halls, have BBQs, and spend hours next to the grill making smores.

As this year begins, books need to be bought, class schedules need to be printed, scheduling work and flights needs to be complete, preparing for another year of work, a lot of homework, great flying, and more memories need to be made. School has been in session for a week now and so far it looks like a good year.