Unique Final Exams That Prove My Learning

Gather all of your notes, homework, class work, tests, and quizzes for your classes. Make a pile for each class. You should have papers going back to August. For each class, put the papers in chronological order by the date they were given to you or were completed. THIS IS WHAT STRESS FEELS LIKE DURING FINALS…

But that’s NOT the case with some of the upper level business finals. For instance, all students in Dr. Greenman’s Social Responsibility and Ethics class were given the opportunity to volunteer for the Sky Kids event. Sky Kids provides a very unique opportunity to experience FIRST FLIGHT to children with special needs or disability that are within the age range of approximately six through eighteen years of age. I volunteered as an airplane loader in which I was assigned tasks to safely load an aircraft with the Sky Kids participants and their parents and/or guardian. Not only did Sky Kids gave me an opportunity to practice social responsibility in a professional aviation related environment, but knowing that I helped make the life with a special needs child even more special put a smile on my face.

While in my Airport Management class, taught by the author of The Administration of Public Airports Dr. Sobotta, my final project was in teams of three. My teammates and I were presented with a unique opportunity of conquering a final project, which focused on a common airport topic/specialization in which we chose San Diego International Airport. Our topic was Passenger Processing Technology Management. Essentially, I got an opportunity to interview the Terminal Manger at San Diego Airport and learned about the airport’s use of technology (i.e. mobile boarding passes, automated boarding gates, common use passenger processing systems, etc.) and its role in making the circulation of passengers and aircraft more efficient. Collectively, our team compared all the three airports on the topic of Passenger Processing Technology. I want to be an Airport Manager, so this experience gave me a glimpse of what I can experience as a Terminal Manager.

Professional Consulting final gave me an opportunity to articulate a descriptive image of professional practices. In a small group, my teammates and I analyzed Synergy Airs marketing concepts from a business perspective. We also collected consumer data through primary sources, such as surveys and focus groups. Along with that we prepared recommendations for ways that they can effectively market Synergy Air to their target market. We were treated like experts by Synergy Air and as professional marketing consultants and we strived to improve efficiency and quality for them.

With the right course, I was able to show off exactly what I had learned in my classes this semester. Our professors at Embry-Riddle enable us students to gain practical knowledge while taking the course rather than throwing us under the bus without any prior experience in the real world. These unique final exam alternatives will benefit me and my fellow classmates long after graduation. It can benefit YOU if you take business courses at Riddle too.

Preparing for Finals

So the end is near and final exams are approaching, its crunch time. Preparing for finals, is every college kids dread. There are good habits and bad habits that you may develop for studying. I will go over a few tips to avoid the bad habits. And some ways to keep yourself relaxed because the last thing you need to do is be stressed out. Here at Embry-Riddle Prescott campus there is plenty of tutoring available for all subjects personally i appreciate the small class size here.

So the end is near and final exams are approaching quickly. The stress is really hitting and its time to study. Some of the best ways to study are up to you’re personal preference but there are better ways to go abut it then others. All teachers are different so studying by doing practice problems and looking over previous test/quizzes, for classes such as physics and math, are a great way to understand how the teacher would like you to approach the problem. Also understanding the terms or ideas behind formulas is a great way to comprehend such problems.

Classes such as English and history are much different, but again looking over homework, quizzes and tests are great ways to prepare for these tests. If you want an insight on anything, going to tutoring and talking to previous students of a particular class or just talking to the teacher is a great idea. Understanding and comprehending what you are doing in class is the best way to do well on tests especially finals, that leaves less work for you to do in the end.

Using your resources is important to getting insights on a class or a future class, or time management.

Personally loosing motivation will happen, and one of the most important ways to do well in school is by staying motivated. Going out with friends and keeping up with hobbies is a personal favorite. Any way to stay active and healthy will also help. In Prescott, AZ there are plenty of outdoor activities, from intercollegiate sports to camping the movie theater.

The big idea is to get your mind off of school and whatever worries you have on weekends or when you have the time to, i speak this from personal experiences.

As long as you can remember to stay focused when you need to, you can survive.

Thanks for reading, hope it was a help.