Successful Day of the Dead Event


Horchata a Hispanic rice drink πŸ™‚ Very yummy!!

The Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers at Embry-Riddle’s Prescott Campus had a successful Day of the Dead celebration by selling tacos, tamales, horchata, and assorted Mexican sodas on 31 Oct. The event was very well received by all members of the campus and within a few short hours the food was sold out!


The group of about 15 members made over 600 tamales and about twice as many tacos, as well as 6 gallons of horchata!

Embry Riddle Precott SHPE Members

Embry Riddle Precott SHPE Members

The fact that the food all sold out in such a short time proves how welcoming our campus is to different cultures and peoples. The campus community is very friendly and accepting of everyone and we would love to invite you here to see for yourself!

Embry Riddle Precott SHPE Members

Embry Riddle Precott SHPE Members


Come and visit the campus sometime soon! There are always cool events going on and all the students/faculty/staff are more than happy to meet new faces πŸ™‚ Maybe next year you can join us for some tacos and tamales!!!!!



All those applications!!!!

All those applications!!!!


It’s almost that time of year again when internship applications are coming out so preparation of the perfect resume must begin!! Many of our first year students get an internship after their first year at Embry-Riddle so take heed prospective students. There are plenty of opportunities out there for amazing internship experiences. Your resume can also get a good summer job lined up for you so you can still make some cash and get a little professional experience whether or not it is at an internship or at a grocery store.

Embry-Riddle actually has a career services department for students who are preparing their resumes for potential employers. You can get some information on the department here. Please check it out and keep us in mind when you come to choosing your college, Embry-Riddle has so much to offer you in college and beyond. Thanks for reading!!!

Everyday Life


For those of our prospective students who may want to know what college life is like, today I am going to give you an overview πŸ™‚

So for one, its kind of like living in a hotel with tons of other semi permanent residents. Since you are all living around each other for 8ish months you get to know people pretty well. So that makes things easy as far as having friends on campus is concerned.

Also, its like your job is going to class. There are some people who really don’t do their job well and there are those who do. It is up to you to choose as you are the boss of your career.

Its not like living at home, no one will do your chores for you and if you are hungry you are responsible for taking care of that. So I suggest learning how to do laundry before you leave home, ironing is a part of laundry as well. ThereΒ  may be times where you need a nice suit for an interview or event on campus. The rest of the time you can dress how you choose but, remember you must make a good impression on your professors or they will not take you seriously as a student. So basically I suggest you dress within reason, no crazy doo’s, shorts are fine but no booty shorts, shirts should NOT show your stomach, also high heels on campus are so ridiculous. At Embry-Riddle you have to walk everywhere so it’s totally not worth the pain. For guys do not wear sweats or athletic clothes to class, it is sloppy and a lot of professors don’t like it. Try to wear jeans, nicer shorts, and a simple T shirt or polo.

Then of course when classes are done you do homework, hang out with friends, relax, attend campus events, and enjoy the many interesting places in our community πŸ™‚

The whole week pretty much goes like this, some days are busier than most but regardless of the work load its a lot of fun!! Hopefully, you willΒ  join us here soon!!!



What will you do if you aren’t going to make it home for Thanksgiving in college? Well, I can answer that! It can be tough not to go home over Thanksgiving but, don’t be a loner!!! You can still have a lot of fun over the short break by connecting with other faculty or students in the area, trust me I did that my freshman year. πŸ™‚

Even though I was totally bummed about being stuck at college over my favorite holiday, I found others who were in the same position me and we held our own thanksgiving potluck! πŸ™‚ The best part was that I actually got two Thanksgivings that year as I was also invited, with some of my other classmates, to a professor’s house where we spent a fun evening playing board games and enjoying another potluck.

Even though I was away from my family it was a wonderful Thanksgiving over which I made some new friends and learned about how friends are not only your social network but, your extended family away from home. So don’t be sad and go have fun!

Roommate Relationships

As of last weekend I took a camping trip at Lake Powell with my roommates, so with the experience I had I feel this is a great time to go into roommate relationships. There are s couple topics at hand but first I will get into what it is like having roommates. Then I will go into how to deal with them whether you like them or not along with some of my personal experiences.

Having roommates, one of two things can happen; 1) You like them and enjoy there company possibly becoming best friends or roommates in future semesters or two, you have serious roommate problems and cannot stand them. Both happen quit often and are very possible. Fortunately for me I have enjoyed my roommates and become very close to them.

Most of the roommates if not all are also new to the scene, just new to college no parents, new friends and a new lifestyle. It is a drastic change that we all deal with, but how you react to it and how you handle your relationships are all variables. In other words no one can tell you how your roommate relationships will turnout. But with a little effort from all parties it ca turn out nicely.

As I have just experienced a camping trip last weekend with my roommates, I hvae some good advice. The tip that you should hold at the top of your list is be PATIENT. yes be patient as you would with anyone else, at the same time if you encounter a problem confront it. Have a normal conversation about whats on your nerve. That is really the only thing to do I you don’t want your relationship with your roommates turning upside down.

You Will experience great moments and sad ones with your roommates, but all in all in the end all the experiences we have together shape our personalities. So take advantage of having a roommate and really get to know the person, I did and it has been one of the best decisions I have made being here at Embry-Riddle.



As the start of the new semester approaches the Admissions Office keeps getting phone calls asking about on campus housing early move ins and such. We are more than happy to help with questions and transfer students over to the housing office however, if you would like the direct line to housing it can be found on their website.

Additionally, other extensions and phone numbers can be found on our main website for financial aid and for our other departments. Please feel free to explore the site and call those departments directly to avoid getting transferred between departments.

We look forward to seeing you here on campus in a few days!! Safe travels everyone!!!!

Good Reads


For those of you who like to enjoy a good book once in a while here is one that I am currently reading and really enjoying. Its called “The Silver Star” by Jeannette Walls. It is a fantastic story, not too much dialog but amazing descriptive verbiage and excellent use of the first person view. You actually feel like you are in the main character’s head, experiencing everything as an 11 year old girl in a big mysterious yet narrow world.

I highly recommend checking this book out before the summer ends as once classes start it will become a lot more difficult to balance classes, events, and such with your reading time.Β  If you have any comments or book suggestions for our readers please let us know by leaving a comment below. As always, have a wonderful day, thanks for reading, and we hope to see you on campus this fall!!

One last thing!!! For those of you incoming ROTC cadets, check out amazon for some books on leadership tips, they are great to have and I personally use them often!!




Have you ever wondered how the weather is predicted and tracked? Well if you want to know more perhaps its time to visit Embry Riddle in Prescott Arizona to check out our Meteorology program!! Please schedule a visit today and let us know your interests. We can set you up to attend a class, meet a professor, see our air craft and so much more!! When you visit us the door to a whole new world of experiences opens, its up to you to walk through and join our community πŸ™‚

We look forward to seeing you on campus very soon. Have a wonderful day everyone!!

Back to School Count Down!!


There are 22 days left until the Fall semester starts! Are you prepared?? Here is a general checklist of items that you may need to complete before you arrive here on campus for the Fall 2014 semester πŸ™‚

1. Buy text books

2. Buy sheets (the website should have been mailed to you by the Housing Department)

3. Pack up your room (there is a packing list that was provided by the Housing Department as well, if you need another or have questions give them a call!)

4. Plan your trip by plane, train, or automobile!

5. Attend Orientation

6. Classes begin August 25th!!

Also, it may be a good idea to confirm your class schedule, pay tuition, and take a tour of our beautiful campus.

Two weeks left!!


There are only two weeks left before the end of summer A courses!! It is amazing how fast it all goes by and how much you can learn in the short period of 6 weeks. So my question is what are your plans for the rest of the summer? Work, vacation, a summer B course, Field Training, etc.. Let us know!! We might be able to provide a little break from the summer boredom if you stop on by the campus and take a tour or for those of you students who live here check in with your RA for summer events.

For those of our readers who haven’t been to Riddle or will be attending in the Fall I highly suggest a tour first. My first day here during AFROTC zero week I had no idea where I was going and it just added to the confusion of in processing. So moral of the story is help yourself out!! Come visit early so you at least have a little bit of an idea on where you are going on your first day πŸ™‚

Well, thats all for now but, please let us know what your up to by commenting below!! Thanks everyone πŸ™‚