It’s High School Grad Time!!


In the next few days all of our incoming freshman will be graduating from High School and we here at Embry Riddle would like to say Congratulations!!!! This summer will be an exciting time for all of our new students as you prepare for school here in the Fall. Take a look at our Facebook page and get to know some of the students that you will be living with come Fall. It is time to make some new friends and start an entirely new chapter of your education so get started today!!

Also, keep checking for emails from out Admissions office and your future professors, don’t forget to register for classes and set up your Ernie account on line so you can access all those courses!! And most importantly of all, have a fun and safe Graduation!!!!!

Embry Riddle Video Series


As some of our future students may know the folks in the admissions office are preparing a video series that will help you get ready for school here at Embry Riddle Prescott in the Fall of 2014. These videos will feature a campus tour, some helpful tips and information that you will need to know when you start school here, introductions to a few faculty and staff, and so much more!!

Please keep watching for emails from the admissions office as new videos will be coming out every few weeks. Don’t miss a single one!! Have a wonderful summer and come prepared for a fun fall semester, we can’t wait to meet everyone!!!

Embry Riddle Prescott Webpage


The Embry Riddle Prescott Webpage has just been updated with all kinds of cool links and information that will help our prospective students get to know more about Embry Riddle!!! All of the information is up to date, including info about our College of Global Intelligence and Securities Studies which is the first of its kind in the nation!!

The new webpage is sleek and easy to navigate with drop down menus and helpful suggestions that may help you find what you need to know. There is also a search bar for stuff that you can’t find from the first page of the site and it is really helpful 🙂

Please do some research on Embry Riddle today and let us know if you like out new page, it was designed with you in mind!! Thanks for reading everyone!!

Shopping in Prescott

shop 2

For those of our prospective students who are female, I want you to know that you will have awesome places to shop while you attend college here 🙂 Its a weird topic I admit however, a lot of girls don’t realize how important shopping options are until you need that one item of the specific brand that you like in that one color that you can’t find anywhere else and…….the list goes on and on!! Well, I am here to bring good news!!! In Prescott the mall has a bath and body works (my favorite!!!!!), a Victoria secret :), Hot Topic, Macy’s, Sears, Dillards, Claires and a bunch of other really cool smaller stores with all the items you could ever want. So do not fear, there are plenty of options near!

Also, there are tons of little strip malls so you can go to Target, Ross, Hastings, Staples, and wherever else you need to go for the things that you need. If you can’t find a store then check online, it may be hidden in the area or you can check out amazon or the stores web site to order what you need. Additionally, you can pick up your packages right here on campus from our mailroom 🙂

Sooo, overall Prescott is a cool place to live and you will never have to worry about shopping for things you need/want in the local area. Have fun ladies!!!



We all know that the method of choice for most college kids to stay awake is caffeine but, caffeine can be found in healthier ways than others. There are also some alternate forms of energy that are more natural and won’t allow you to experience the “crash affect” afterwards. So I would like to share some of the better caffeine sources with our readers, hopefully our prospective students will benefit from this information too!


1. Best energy source- Vitamin B or Ginseng. Both are all natural compounds that we ingest anyway from most of the foods we eat everyday. There are some great natural energy drinks that are packed with both of these substances and they will power you for hours with no crash at the end.


Some other benefits of green tea....

Some other benefits of green tea….

2. Green Tea- has both caffeine and antioxidants. The antioxidants are awesome as they slow the crash associated with caffeine. Another really good one to try is blueberry green tea or white tea from trader joes, they have twice the antioxidants as green tea by itself.







3. Coffee- don’t drink the cheap stuff, it is not only acidic but, has less caffeine than you think it does and can do some serious harm to your body. If you are buying coffee grounds get the real deal. It may be a few bucks more but, you are ensuring you get actual caffeine that won’t damage the lining of your stomach or intestines. The best grounds to get are those that still have oil from the coffee bean in them, the oil helps temper the acidity of the coffee and also holds alot of caffeine. Cheap coffee has virtually no oil and is full of additional chemicals that attempt to disguise the poor quality of the blend, if there is even real coffee beans in there at all. Most cheap blends are artificial, do not trust them!! My rule of thumb is that I only buy coffee that I can grind myself in the store, that way I see the beans that go into my coffee and I know that I am making a healthier choice.


4. Energy drinks- like monster, redbull, nos, and others. These are definitely not good for you, although they are enjoyable, the amount of sugar in each one far outweighs the amount of caffeine or taurine. Basically, the pump you up on sugar while saying that its the caffeine or taurine content making you energetic. NOT TRUE! In reality you are paying way to much for something that will give you diabetes in a few years. Additonally, the crash associated with each of these drinks is far worse than any other crash because the spike in your blood sugar suddenly declines leaving you with barely a trace of actual caffeine/taurine. Admittedly, I really like redbull however, I know the affect it can have on my body so I think twice before choosing to drink it.

Overall,  natural energy methods are the better way to go as they have fewer adverse affects on your body and give you a more even level of energy. One more fun fact is that brewing your own coffee is fast and cheaper in the long run. So if you have to pick the cheapest way then choose some beans and get brewing 🙂 Have a nice day everyone!!



Summer is just two weeks away!! What are your plans this summer? Well, if you don’t have any yet then add in a road trip 🙂 You can visit the Grand Canyon, Phoenix, Embry Riddle Prescott….and so many more places!!


Most college students go home for summer and hang out or get internships, go to field training, or get a job. So, if you are still in high school enjoy your summer and trust me, that summer reading homework is not bad at all. It will only take you two weeks to complete so, with all the extra time you have come visit some cool places in AZ!!!

My summer plans are still pending lol. I’ll have to let you know when I figure it out 🙂 comment below if you have any fun ideas or trips planned. We would love to hear from you!

The Pool is Now Open


Come on down to our awesome salt water pool and have some fun!! That’s right folks, the pool is once again open for the season!!! It’s a great place to work on that tan, swim some laps, have a BBQ, or just avoid homework in general 😉


The pool will be open until October and daily hours are as follows:

11am to 7pm

We hope to see you there!!!!

Spring is Finally Here!!


For those of you who have gotten a chance to put down the homework and take a walk outside you might have noticed how beautiful it is outside here in Prescott AZ. Spring has finally arrived as is evident by the greenery, flowers, and chirping birds. Spring is my favorite time of year and I have not seen a more amazing season than since I have been here at Embry Riddle. Living in the local area while going to school here is awesome because the whole town comes alive in Spring again.

The fairs start coming back into the square downtown, there are more opportunities to go hiking, biking, kayaking, and so much more!!! There is so much to do here in spring, and I highly encourage our prospective students to come on out here and tour the campus. In addition to that tour though, take some time to get to know the area. The area in which you choose to live while going to college is extremely important and not many students realize it until it is too late.

For example, when I moved here I knew Prescott would be wonderful because I had grown up in an area that is quite similar to Prescott. My transition into college life was not as hard because of this fact. So when you tour here, go see the sights, ask the locals about what they like to do in the area. Doing so will help you get a feel for the community as well as for the college. Well, with that said, I hope to see you here soon 🙂 Enjoy the Spring season!!

Embry Riddle Prescott Sports


As you know, we have our very own softball team going through their first season here in Prescott, but I have received a lot of questions in regards to the other teams that we have here at Embry Riddle Prescott. Well, to answer that question we have volleyball, men’s soccer, women’s soccer, men’s cross country, women’s cross country, wrestling, men’s golf, women’s golf and of course softball!

The newest team that we are expecting to have next fall is men’s basketball!! We are very excited to be adding this sport to our program and we all have our fingers crossed as to how well the season will go. If you are a potential freshman who is interested in joining our basketball team please let us know! We would be more than happy to welcome you in our first season. Wouldn’t it be cool to say that you were on the team the first season that it has been established? I sure think so, so please click here for more information about our sports teams 🙂

We hope to see you on campus soon!!!

Embry Riddle Prescott Softball



Have you heard about our new women’s softball team? We are very proud to say that our softball team is doing very well for their first season, and we look forward to the seasons that will follow! If you happen to be on campus today you might get to see the second game of our three game set that is happening on the lower softball field right now!!!

If you are a softball player who is interested in playing for us here at Embry Riddle Prescott then please visit this link for more information on how you can be a player on our team!! We would love to hear from you and hopefully see you playing on the team next semester!!