I graduated!

I graduated this past Saturday! It is a surreal experience and still feels like I have classes to attend but the reality is that I don’t! I’m done forever!!!! Well that is until I go and get my masters if I so decide to do so. The ceremony was great. It did go a little long because the class of 2011 has been the largest class to gradate ERAU-Prescott in over 10 years and also statistically was the smartest class to have entered ERAU Prescott ever. A total of 268 people graduated, many of them with jobs already. Some are going to get their masters, and the rest are seeking employment. As you know, I got a job with Grand Canyon Airlines and I start with them May 17th. I honestly, cannot wait. Hopefully some day you will be an ERAU graduate and join the just broken 100,000 strong mark network of alumni. Once you go out to the industry, you will see ERAU Alumni everywhere and this I say with certainty since I did meet a lot of Alumni when I worked at Delta Air Lines. Hope you enjoy the pictures below!


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