Working in the admissions office means that you hear some pretty interesting questions all the time. These are questions that some students might need to know the answers to if their planning on attending the Embry Riddle Campus in Prescott AZ. So, jumping right in…..
Q: What is college dorm life like?
A: To me its like living in a hotel room that you have to clean.
Q: Can I bring my bike?
A: Yes, it is really helpful to get around campus and we highly encourage students to bring one. We have bicycle racks all over campus where you can store your bike when it is not in use. In addition, your bike must be registered with the safety office, this is free of charge.
Q: How much is it to register a car, and how long does registration last?
A: It is $60 and it lasts for a full calender year. Once you are registered you are guaranteed on campus parking.
Q: Are college finals scary for freshman?
A: It depends, I have heard some horror stories, but for me they weren’t too bad at all. Just study, eat well, and get some sleep the night before and you will be fine.
Q: What makes Prescott better than Daytona Beach?
A: For flight students, the weather is better here for flying than at Daytona. For Engineers, the faculty and staff try really hard to get to know you and encourage you in your chosen path. Since it is a smaller campus than Daytona, you get more one and one time with professors that helps to develop some awesome references.
Q: Do you like living in Arizona?
A: Yes, I love it here. When I graduate I really hope that I can get stationed in AZ, it is a really cool place to live. There’s tons of outdoor things to do and really nice people to meet.