Successful Day of the Dead Event


Horchata a Hispanic rice drink 🙂 Very yummy!!

The Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers at Embry-Riddle’s Prescott Campus had a successful Day of the Dead celebration by selling tacos, tamales, horchata, and assorted Mexican sodas on 31 Oct. The event was very well received by all members of the campus and within a few short hours the food was sold out!


The group of about 15 members made over 600 tamales and about twice as many tacos, as well as 6 gallons of horchata!

Embry Riddle Precott SHPE Members

Embry Riddle Precott SHPE Members

The fact that the food all sold out in such a short time proves how welcoming our campus is to different cultures and peoples. The campus community is very friendly and accepting of everyone and we would love to invite you here to see for yourself!

Embry Riddle Precott SHPE Members

Embry Riddle Precott SHPE Members


Come and visit the campus sometime soon! There are always cool events going on and all the students/faculty/staff are more than happy to meet new faces 🙂 Maybe next year you can join us for some tacos and tamales!!!!!


Living Off Campus

One topic that may strike your interest as an incoming freshmen is “What is it like to live off campus?” You might wonder what are the pros and cons? Well I’ve got some good news for you! Today I will go a bit into the differences of living on and off campus.

To start off if you don’t already know, freshmen at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University are required to live on campus their freshmen year. Although, there are some exceptions for those that are unable to live on campus or if you are local. You may call admissions 928-777-6600 or check out the website for more information on that.

Living off campus is a BIG step! You have to keep tabs on your bills and make sure you’re roommates are all in and responsible!

So now to the fun part, as I currently live off campus I have a bit of insight to share. The best thing about living off campus in my opinion is the home feeling you get. Every morning you wake up in your own bed and have breakfast in your kitchen. You have your own room again!

Now for the cons. Sometimes you may be forgetful, leading me into my biggest problem. If you live 15 to 20 min. away from the school then chances are you don’t want to waste time or money on gas driving back because you forgot something very important. Well by living on campus you can completely eliminate this problem because it takes maybe 5 – 10 min. to walk to your room and back to class.

Of course the big decision is yours to make after your Freshman year. I know some prefer the convenience of living on campus but some like myself are willing to give up convenience for my own apartment.



What will you do if you aren’t going to make it home for Thanksgiving in college? Well, I can answer that! It can be tough not to go home over Thanksgiving but, don’t be a loner!!! You can still have a lot of fun over the short break by connecting with other faculty or students in the area, trust me I did that my freshman year. 🙂

Even though I was totally bummed about being stuck at college over my favorite holiday, I found others who were in the same position me and we held our own thanksgiving potluck! 🙂 The best part was that I actually got two Thanksgivings that year as I was also invited, with some of my other classmates, to a professor’s house where we spent a fun evening playing board games and enjoying another potluck.

Even though I was away from my family it was a wonderful Thanksgiving over which I made some new friends and learned about how friends are not only your social network but, your extended family away from home. So don’t be sad and go have fun!

Can You Smell Whats Brewing?

Can you smell that…? That’s the sweet smell of coffee brewing in the morning.


As a college student you may experience long sleepless nights, early morning study sessions and lots of homework especially as an Embry-Riddle engineering student. Many choose caffeine to help them through it all. In my opinion and based on my research, the healthiest choice seems to be…. Coffee! That’s right, not soda, or Red Bull, but coffee. Luckily for us Embry-Riddle has a Starbucks in the library!

Unlike soda or energy drinks coffee does not have any added preservatives or high fructose corn syrup. I am constantly working out in the gym or running so drinking soda or Red Bull doesn’t exactly fit my routine. Plus, coffee tastes great once you master your desired coffee flavor! It’s the first thing I make when I wake up every morning and one cup is all I need.

Fun Myth: It is said that a farmer once discovered coffee based on how his goats acted after eating a certain berry. And now we have coffee!

As for the benefits of coffee, my research has found:

1)      It actually enhances athletic performance.

2)      It increases mental sharpness

3)      It assists weight loss

With that being said, I have to say the best part about coffee is waking up to the great taste of it, and how it helps awaken your mind. Thanks for reading, be sure to stay tuned for more fun articles.

Career Day


For those of our students who haven’t heard, its Career Day today!!! Grab that resume and head on down to our Activity Center where numerous Aerospace companies have gathered to educate you about the opportunities that await when you graduate. Additionally, there might be some internship opportunities involved 🙂 But, you will never know if you don’t get out there ans start the job search.

Many companies actually love to hire interns as they are good potential employees. An internship is for you to decide if you want to work in a particular side of the Aerospace industry and also for the corporation to evaluate you. If you do well enough you have a shot at an awesome job after graduation. If that doesn’t motivate you, here is something that will! Some internships or Co-ops provide college credits and you get paid to learn more about the industry/your future career.

Grab that resume and get going!!!!

Weekend Fun


For our new freshman who have been here about three weeks now and perhaps are getting a little bored I have a few cool suggestions for you 🙂



1. Take a hike in the Dells across the way, or go see one of our lakes in the local area

2. go kayaking

3. Visit the zoo, admission is only $8 this weekend and its right across from school!

4. Go see a movie up at the picture show theater, they have an awesome student discount

5. Get together with some friends at the pool or volleyball court

6. have a bbq!!!

There is so much to do so enjoy the upcoming weekend and stay safe!!



As the start of the new semester approaches the Admissions Office keeps getting phone calls asking about on campus housing early move ins and such. We are more than happy to help with questions and transfer students over to the housing office however, if you would like the direct line to housing it can be found on their website.

Additionally, other extensions and phone numbers can be found on our main website for financial aid and for our other departments. Please feel free to explore the site and call those departments directly to avoid getting transferred between departments.

We look forward to seeing you here on campus in a few days!! Safe travels everyone!!!!

The New Semester

Good afternoon everyone, I hope you all have enjoyed you’re summer as much as I did. Today I will discuss with you some tips that I have come to learn about getting ready for the new semester after a long summer break. After a few years of experience I have decided to share some personal tricks for relieving stress and getting psyched for the new year.

To start off, we all know the routine shopping spree for school supplies and clothes. That is clearly a must, one thing I like to do when shopping for school supplies is get a few extra of everything; binders, pens, pencils, exct. Just to be sure your ready all year. Don’t forget to get in there before all the high schools begin their shopping, usually they do begin school prior to colleges.

I personally like to get everything ready a couple weeks in advanced when I have free time and I feel motivated. This way I have plenty of time to get anything I forget and I am not feeling rushed before school.

Now the best way to relieve the stress of not know how tough the year is going to be is to be sure you aren’t rushed with anything the first month school starts. So for instance if you work like me, take a fee weeks off so you can relax and know what you are getting in to. Just remind yourself of all the tough classes you have already been through and realize those classes have prepared you for this semester and the classes you are about to take.

Lastly it couldn’t hurt to read a few pages of the textbooks for your classes. All it takes for me is a chapter in each and I feel comfortable enough to relax.

Please feel free to contact me in the comments, I understand my profile says I am a freshmen but this year will begin my junior year. Thank you for reading.

Back to School Count Down!!


There are 22 days left until the Fall semester starts! Are you prepared?? Here is a general checklist of items that you may need to complete before you arrive here on campus for the Fall 2014 semester 🙂

1. Buy text books

2. Buy sheets (the website should have been mailed to you by the Housing Department)

3. Pack up your room (there is a packing list that was provided by the Housing Department as well, if you need another or have questions give them a call!)

4. Plan your trip by plane, train, or automobile!

5. Attend Orientation

6. Classes begin August 25th!!

Also, it may be a good idea to confirm your class schedule, pay tuition, and take a tour of our beautiful campus.


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I had the pleasure of getting to see Galveston Texas yesterday!! If you have ever been to Texas you know how awesome it is down there!! I highly suggest going if you are in the area and you get the chance to. The beach is gorgeous and the water is very warm, it is so different from the west coast waters which are very cold even in the summer.

If you get the chance to travel before the summer is over then take the trip down to Texas, it is a wonderful place to visit with so many different places to see and experience. If you have taken a trip this summer please let us know where! You can comment below and add a picture if possible 🙂 We look forward to hearing from you and we will see you in the Fall!!

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