FAQ-Frequently Asked Questions



Working in the admissions office means that you hear some pretty interesting questions all the time. These are questions that some students might need to know the answers to if their planning on attending the Embry Riddle Campus in Prescott AZ. So, jumping right in…..

Q: What is college dorm life like?

A: To me its like living in a hotel room that you have to clean.

Q: Can I bring my bike?

A: Yes, it is really helpful to get around campus and we highly encourage students to bring one. We have bicycle racks all over campus where you can store your bike when it is not in use. In addition, your bike must be registered with the safety office, this is free of charge.

Q: How much is it to register a car, and how long does registration last?

A: It is $60 and it lasts for a full calender year. Once you are registered you are guaranteed on campus parking.

Q: Are college finals scary for freshman?

A: It depends, I have heard some horror stories, but for me they weren’t too bad at all. Just study, eat well, and get some sleep the night before and you will be fine.

Q: What makes Prescott better than Daytona Beach?

A: For flight students, the weather is better here for flying than at Daytona. For Engineers, the faculty and staff try really hard to get to know you and encourage you in your chosen path. Since it is a smaller campus than Daytona, you get more one and one time with professors that helps to develop some awesome references.

Q: Do you like living in Arizona?

A: Yes, I love it here. When I graduate I really hope that I can get stationed in AZ, it is a really cool place to live. There’s tons of outdoor things to do and really nice people to meet.

International Food Festival


For those of you who may not have heard, this past Saturday was our annual International food festival. It was really fun, I hope that you all came on down. I was running the Italy booth and here is a snapshot of the cool stuff I had for you to enjoy!










My dish is called Caprese, it is pretty simple to make. All you need is mozzarella cheese, Roma tomatoes, basil leaves, balsamic vinegar, and an olive oil of your choosing. It was quite a success as my table ran out in just 30 minutes!!!

There were so many tables full of great food from all over the world. The tables I tried were Germany, Italy (of course), Lebanon, Mexico, Poland, Iran, America, and so many others!! All the food was amazing and I definitely learned a lot about some of my fellow students. So, if you enjoy good food, cultural experiences, and awesome people then Embry Riddle is the place for you! We celebrate our different nationalities in the coolest way possible and we welcome you to join us next year 🙂 For more information click on the links below, Thanks for reading!!

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Athletics at Riddle

If you are looking for an athletic scholarship then you might want to take a look at what Embry-Riddle has to offer.  As of this year Embry-Riddle, Prescott campus has taken on men and women’s Cross Country, as well as Women’s Softball on top of the already existing sports. which include: men and women’s Golf, men and women’s soccer, women’s volleyball, and wrestling. Competitive scholarships exist for student-athletes who have demonstrated a superior commitment to athletics, at the same time you must meet  minimum GPA requirement.

As far as I know if you are already a student you can always tryout for a position on a team as well as compete for a scholarship. If you want more information on scholarships then I would suggest calling the director of athletics.

Competing in the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA), Embry-Riddle is a proud member of the California Pacific Athletic Conference (CAL PAC).

You may contact:  928-777-3777     or     Email:

Window Plants Anyone?


So I was recently asked, what the best window plant to have in a college dorm is. In all honesty, I think it has to be something pretty and low maintenance. For example, some good plants would be..

a cactus- It is possible to get a non prickly version. These don’t have to be watered often and love the sun, definitely a good plant for a college kid.

cactus candles alivingspace







an orchid- Perfect for someone who likes flowers, they are low maintenance, need bright but indirect sunlight, and only need water every few days.

mini_orchid_4.jpg t=1378931616000









an aloe vera plant- Fun fact, the sap of the aloe vera plant is good for burns. So if you are just learning how to cook, this window plant might be a perfect choice for you. Care is similar to that of an orchid.








a bonsai tree- These are tiny little trees that need indirect sun light and a small amount of water every two or three days. They are easy to care for and really cute!










or a bamboo- Probably needs the most water out of all the plants listed above, it is best to keep the roots soaked at least 75% of the time. The one downside to bamboo is that it can get really really big!!










Hope that helps narrow down the decision!! Additionally, in the Embry Riddle Prescott dorms, plants are more than welcome 🙂


Just last weekend we had a 3 day break so i spent my time at the Catalina state park just outside of Tuscon. There are plenty of places to camp in Arizona thankfully Arizona isn’t the largest state which makes traveling easy. So if you like camping then you just might enjoy this read.

You might be thinking that Arizona is just desert, well that’s not true. There is the Coconino National Forest, Prescott national Forest, Apache as well as a few others, plus depending on how far north you are you could get all four seasons. So there is plenty to get out of Arizona when camping.

As for the Catalina state park, I only have good recommendations. Fortunately it was nice and warm this time of year. The site is beautiful, you can see the sunrise over the mountain tops from the camp grounds. from the wildlife to the gorgeous nature  would definitely go back to hit the trails I didn’t get a chance to hike. 

They provide day parking for locals as well as the campers. But if you are looking for nice hikes then this is one place to check out. It has over 5 trails/loops to choose and plenty of wildlife to gaze at. The mountainous desert scenery is nothing to ignore, it is eye capturing. Although the whether remains relatively warm throughout the year, but at night it gets very cold so come prepared.

Now if you are looking for some more intense trails to hike then i wouldn’t recommend coming here, this park is family friendly and has some very easy short trails to some longer more enduring ones.

Thanks for reading, If you want more information about camping in Arizona then I would suggest doing some research about the area and weather conditions because AZ can be sneaky when it comes to weather. Thanks.

Copy Center


Awesome Picture of our Cessnas!


Another quick note on how to save $$$$ in college is to utilize the campus copy center!! At Embry Riddle Prescott out copy center is one of the best and here is how it can help you!!



1. If you buy a PDF book for a lot cheaper than a bound copy, you can print it (for free) in the library and take it to the copy center to be bound for about 3 bucks. This saves you on average about $100+ a semester!

2. Laminating formula sheets is an awesome way to ensure that you will never loose your formulas. I did this for Calculus freshman year and I am still using my laminated formula sheet in MA 441, which is a graduate level course in Mathematical Methods for Engineering. So for a dollar I have a lot of use on that sheet.

3. Faxes can be sent through the copy center, this is a resource that many people do not take advantage of, it is a lot cheaper than any place in town!

4. And last but not least, You can have your notes bound by the copy center which will help you with studying come finals week.

Sooooooo USE YOUR RESOURCES 🙂 If you have any questions of comments please let us know, if you are interested in reading more about Embry Riddle’s Campus Services click here.

Selling Books or Electronics?


When you are in college cash can be hard to come by, so here are some places that might be able to help you out when it comes to getting cash for your old books and electronics…

Amazon Trade In: They have awesome prices and most of the time for electronics they will pay more than best buy 🙂


Craigslist: As long as you aren’t afraid of the Craigslist killer (who by the way was caught early Sunday morning), this site is a great place to advertise and sell items in the local area for your list price.

On Campus: All it takes is a few posters, and you could get the amount you desire for that textbook or old laptop. There’s almost always someone out there who is willing to buy 🙂

Well, i hope this little bit of advice helps, happy selling everyone!!

The Power of the Go-Pro

It is time for a Technology update!! The topic, you ask?? The indestructible Go Pro!!











I have heard a lot of stories about how indestructible a Go-Pro is but, I honestly never believed them until my friend sent me this video. It is really crazy, the man in the video dropped the Go-Pro as he leaped out of a plane to go skydiving. 8 months later he finally located it in a pig pen of a local farm. All he had to do was charge it up and recover the video!!!

I was so shocked that I started asking around to see if any of my friends had heard of stuff like this happening. Oddly enough, a campus group called Chi Alpha had a similar experience. Chi Alpha is a christian fellowship that takes fun trips all over Arizona and even into Utah. On one of these trips a member dropped their Go Pro into Lake Powell and was unable to retrieve it. Well, a year later they returned and the water level was significantly lower, they were actually able to locate and recover the Go-Pro!!!! To add on to that, all the footage was intact and there was no damage to the Go Pro even after it had been underwater for a year!!!!

So, if you are considering purchasing a Go-Pro, I would say that it is definitely worth the money 🙂 Thanks for reading!!!!


Valentines Day is here!!


What are you planning for Valentines day? It is that day that we all dread or look forward to, personally, I am a little bit of both 🙂 Valentines Day puts alot of pressure on couples, especially in college when finances are tight! There is just too much expectation on a day like this that revolves around couples.

If you are on the other side of the spectrum, it can make you pretty sad but, I have a few tips and tricks to help you fight those Valentines Day blues..












1) Watch a movie by yourself to enjoy some alone time

2) Treat yourself, maybe eat some chocolate, take a nice relaxing bath, go window shopping, or get a massage….really just pamper yourself!!

3) If you are in a relationship, take the relaxing route, stay at home and watch a movie, eat some fancy finger food and just enjoy each other’s company. This will really relieve some of the built up stress and expectations of the holiday

4) Also, if you don’t want to be a loner, hang out with some single friends, maybe go to a party.

5) All in all, don’t let one silly holiday get you down. Have fun being who you are and treat your self to something special 🙂

Happy Valentines Day everyone!!!

Pets in the Dorms


So today I would like to address a very common question: What kind of pets are we allowed to have in the dorms at Embry Riddle? Well……only fish. The official rules say that whatever it is it still must fit in a five gallon tank. Please don’t be funny and try to trap some poor cat in a five gallon tank, that’s animal abuse….try to stick with a fish or fishes. You can have as many fish as you want, with in reason of course as long as they can all be contained in a single 5 gallon tank.

Personally, I have had a betta fish since freshman year. They are pretty, easy to take care of, and actually enjoy your company if placed on your desk while you work. My fish even chases laser pointers…..which I should probably be more concerned about than amused. However, if you really want a fuzzy pet you can try and work out something with housing and residence life, no guarantees but, you might be able to keep a hamster or something.











The funniest things I have seen/heard of as far as pets living in the dorms go is that over summer someone had a Labrador in their room that was never discovered. I know of at least three cats that have lived in the hall closet of the upper class-man apartments…poor kitties. The weirdest one I have seen is a 6 inch fish that bites people, so please don;t get one that big. Also, be considerate to animals. I know that some people just rally want a pet but, think about what you are putting them through if you have to hide them all the time..

Don't do this to  a cat

Don’t do this to a cat



Overall, stick with a fish, they like small spaces and you won’t have to hide them from anyone, unless they bite…