About Adam


Electrical Engineering

I made the big move to Embry-Riddle because of its outstanding reputation throughout the Air Force and community.

Cash Flow For College Students

Hello there readers, if you are a concerned college parent or student worried about having a little extra cash to spend on food or hobbies or just spending too much then you are reading the right blog. In this blog i will go over some great ways to earn money at a reasonable rate and some great college spending advice.

For a personal preference I enjoy working and having at least some spending cash or savings money so I saved up over the past summers but once school came around i hit a dead end, I was spending with not even little amounts of income (besides my parents that is). So once I realized how much I was spending on food and weekend activities I began to invest in looking for an on campus job at Embry-Riddle as well as learning to spend my money wisely.  So here are some tips:

For spending:

1)  When going to the grocery store make a list of all the things you need, that way you have a goal or else you will just be wandering around buying stuff and spending a bit more then you think.

2)  Try to eat healthy, I know it sounds weird but the more you eat sugary junk food the more you will crave it and therefore the more you will spend on it so try to cut it back.

3)  Next is the activity spending/shopping. Again making and using a list of the essentials or wants at least making a list in your head for the purpose you are shopping for is best. It will help keep your mind from wandering and spending cash left and right.

4)  try to hold group events like if you want to go somewhere that takes gas money, if you have enough people going the cost can be very minimal.

Jobs in college:

1)  If you are concerned about not having a job in school, well don’t worry you have plenty of on campus opportunities waiting for you. Schools are normally very open to students working on campus. Most of the time students will have time to work and go to school. (I am talking spending cash or travel money not a normal income that can pay your bills although there are some people who can do that.

2) From personal experience i would get by one or even a half semester before taking on the responsibilities of school and a job just to get the feel of your school work schedule, that is if you are new to school.

3) Summer/Seasonal employment opportunities! Take advantage of them. I gathered myself a large sum of money just from one summer of work and it didn’t take to much effort. Plus it looks good on a resume.

4)  Lastly, Interns! Get involved, not all interns pay but if you find one that does they pay exceptionally well.

Thanks for reading, let me know of any questions.

Freshmen Year in A Bottle

Hey there reader, if you are an incoming freshmen or just curious what college life is about as a freshman, you are in luck. Throughout this blog i will go over the entirety of my freshmen year, tips and more.

So if you do not know so far I am a freshmen currently attending Embry-Riddle in Prescott, Az. I am involved in Air Force ROTC and hope to fly some day soon. First i will go over some FAQ and need to know stuff.


Q: Is college difficult?                                                                                                             A: Yes & no. The biggest thing i see an issue with is time management, revolving your life around classes and study time. The first year is almost always set at a good pace for a freshmen to begin learning and taking on responsibilities, But it is still just as easy to be lazy.

Q: Do you have enough spare time?                                                                                     A: Yes, as a normal college student i have plenty of time, all most too much…that is as a freshmen so far…but I am involved in AFROTC, honor guard and have an on campus job. Yet i still manage to go to the gym and have a life.

Q: Should I worry about an internship as a freshmen?                                                          A: No, about your sophomore/junior year you should look into them.

Q: How is having a roommate?                                                                                             A: Awesome and sometimes irritating. Having a roommate is great, My roommate and I are now pretty close friends. But i have to say, after a whole year you really start to appreciate having a room to yourself.

Q: What Should I Bring to college?                                                                                        A: Necessities! The biggest pain I have right now is packing to go home because I brought to much stuff that I didn’t use.

I hope those Helped, if you have more feel free to ask.

One thing most people do not realize is the resources they have. Utilize them, things like the main office, admissions office, an RA, neighbors and your professors are there for you.

Now freshmen year was great, i have a lot of great memories from it. From Air Force ROTC events to meeting awesome new people and clubs. I definitely feel like i made the right choice coming to Embry-Riddle Prescott campus to start my career as an engineer, especially with the best Air force Det. in the U.S. I couldn’t have made a better choice.

From the late night study sessions to the late night kick backs, and the early morning PT

sessions to the finals, the years go by pretty quick so hopefully you too can make a good choice and start a great career.

Thanks for reading.

So Far So Good

Hello readers, if you do not know already I am a current freshman at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Prescott Campus, and in this blog i will be catching you all up on what i have done all year long in terms of classes, clubs, Air Force ROTC, and more. First off I am going for my Electrical Engineering degree, as well as being a cadet in Air Force ROTC and have so far enjoyed the beginning of my career here.

The first semester, the first semester was pretty difficult because of the transition away from home, but class wise i was not taking anything difficult. Basic classes such as calculus, history, physics, as well as engineering 101, and Air Force 101. These classes are the main classes you will most likely have. I did get home sick for a period of time, but eventually that passed and I got used to living at school. The things I have missed the most were my dogs and home cooked food.

After the first semester i began to realize, this is it, the real deal. So once the second semester came around, I was well prepared. This semester I have taken Calculus 2, Physics 2, Engineering 115 aka (MATLAB), Humanities, and Air Force class 102. Although i am still not into the difficult classes yet i feel more prepared then i was at the end of last semester. My roommates and I enjoy going to the movie theater on the weekends, hikes, and out to eat, there are plenty of great restaurants in town, i suggest going into town and exploring, they have some interesting stores.

Now throughout the year I have been involved in many organizations, and activities in town and on campus. This past weekend i went into town for a chalk festival, held annually, this event is awesome and lots of fun. I also participated in the human society’s dog walk on campus. I am also a part of AFROTC Honor Guard and have done many performance in town as well as out of town. If you plan on joining AFROTC I highly suggest joining one of the teams in Honor Corps, such as Sabre, Rifle Drill, and Honor Guard.


The campus is easy to navigate getting to class in about 5 min is really nice. One of my favorite pass times is going to the gym on campus, and hiking across the street.

Hopefully you enjoyed my blog, if you want any more information feel free to let me know.

Preparing for Finals

So the end is near and final exams are approaching, its crunch time. Preparing for finals, is every college kids dread. There are good habits and bad habits that you may develop for studying. I will go over a few tips to avoid the bad habits. And some ways to keep yourself relaxed because the last thing you need to do is be stressed out. Here at Embry-Riddle Prescott campus there is plenty of tutoring available for all subjects personally i appreciate the small class size here.

So the end is near and final exams are approaching quickly. The stress is really hitting and its time to study. Some of the best ways to study are up to you’re personal preference but there are better ways to go abut it then others. All teachers are different so studying by doing practice problems and looking over previous test/quizzes, for classes such as physics and math, are a great way to understand how the teacher would like you to approach the problem. Also understanding the terms or ideas behind formulas is a great way to comprehend such problems.

Classes such as English and history are much different, but again looking over homework, quizzes and tests are great ways to prepare for these tests. If you want an insight on anything, going to tutoring and talking to previous students of a particular class or just talking to the teacher is a great idea. Understanding and comprehending what you are doing in class is the best way to do well on tests especially finals, that leaves less work for you to do in the end.

Using your resources is important to getting insights on a class or a future class, or time management.

Personally loosing motivation will happen, and one of the most important ways to do well in school is by staying motivated. Going out with friends and keeping up with hobbies is a personal favorite. Any way to stay active and healthy will also help. In Prescott, AZ there are plenty of outdoor activities, from intercollegiate sports to camping the movie theater.

The big idea is to get your mind off of school and whatever worries you have on weekends or when you have the time to, i speak this from personal experiences.

As long as you can remember to stay focused when you need to, you can survive.

Thanks for reading, hope it was a help.

Almost The End

To those of you who would like to know what freshman year is like at Embry-Riddle Prescott, all summed up in a couple paragraphs, well today is your lucky day. It is almost the end of my freshmen year so i will be writing about, the best parts of getting through it, a few tips, and a few of my experiences.

If you have been keeping up with my blogs, I have already talked about the big move away from home. No body really talks about that part, but it can be tough. The best part about being away from home though in a new environment is the freedom that comes with it. It can be a good thing and help you or it could hurt you if you don’t treat it with respect. From my experiences as being a freshmen getting adjusted, keeping yourself busy helps you learn to manage your time wisely and keeps you on the right track to success. I have seen great success because if it and tragic failures.

The next big thing that can make a difference your freshmen year, is continuing to do things that you enjoy, keeping you hobbies or developing new ones is a great way to relieve stress from the school work. Yes it does get stressful. There are many clubs at campus, Embry-Riddle makes it easy for students to be involved with the campus. We have clubs that range from, Rock Climbing to Dance and even Martial Arts. If you are in ROTC, you will have plenty of options to get involved, the more you get involved the more friends you will make, it is easy to meet new people especially at Embry-Riddle, most people here staff included are very outgoing and very approachable. In fact one of the great things about the staff here is how approachable they are. some teachers even host events such as taking a group of people down to phoenix to watch a baseball or hockey game. its a great way to get to know the professors and hear some of their great stories or projects they are working on.

The first year is tough but some of the best parts about getting through it are the unexpected. You never know whats coming around the corner but that is the best part. You will meet a lot of great new people that have common interests and degrees. You will have great memories and a lot of laughs, but knowing you finished your freshmen year successfully is a great accomplishment and great way to start your career.

In this blog i went over a good way to deal with your free time, and a great way to keep yourself on the right track to success. I gave you a few personal insights, and a good way to get involved on campus.

Thank you for reading, I hope this was informative. If there is anything else you would like to know specifically. Feel free to let me know.

Bataan Memorial March

Happy Easter followers. I hope you are enjoying my blog so far, today i am going to talk about my ways to keep yourself busy, how community service is beneficial and mainly experience at the Bataan Memorial Death March this past month.

One of the ways I keep myself busy and on track with school is by getting involved, and challenging myself to new heights, attainable goals that is. Not only does keeping yourself busy help your grades but you will have better experiences and memories.  Not just getting involved in the school but the community as well by doing community service. It is proven that a student who has a well balanced schedule will have better grades then a student who does no or little extra activities.

So the last community service act i participated in was the Bataan Memorial Death March, in White Sands, New Mexico. Participating in this event with a few members from the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University AFROTC Detachment.

It wasn’t just any community service though, it was a weekend long experience that i will never forget. The Bataan Memorial Death March is a 26.2 mile hike/run that raises money for the Wounded Warrior Project, it really is an experience seeing different kinds of people from all over the world, not only the states but from 7 plus countries come to support and challenge them selves in this event.

HINT: Community Service looks great on RESUMES. Even if you are in ROTC this       (and other Community service) looks good on your part towards the cadre and your peers especially if you need a pilot slot or field training position.

Taking me ten and a half hours to complete with a ruck, I will definitely be back for the next several years to participate, whether you do it alone or with a buddy i would suggest checking it out online.

For more information, visit www.bataanmarch.com

Not only are you receiving community service for events like this and supporting the troops in a big way but getting a great experience. And if you like challenges then this is something yo wont want to miss.

Events like this are also a great way to motivate yourself in life, especially if your a college student and want to take a little break and have a great time while being productive at the same time.

Thank you for reading, i certainly hope you enjoyed this topic. For more information or a specific blog feel free to let me know.

Away From Home

Hello there followers, i am writing this blog today to give more of an insight to those incoming freshman that are looking forward to college but don’t really know what to think about the move away from home. As i am a current freshman at Embry-Riddle, Prescott campus i have a few tips and insights for you. The main things i felt that should be addressed is dealing with the freedom you gain,getting over home sickness and getting help when you need it.

As you may have heard, Freshman year is said to be the toughest by many people. It is tough, not because of the work load but because you do not know what to expect and your away from home, the normal life.  The biggest problem i faced first semester was the freedom, you have to be able to handle it and keep yourself in line because there is no one here to do that for you. No parents, a car, money and no curfew really determines weather you can handle it or not in just a couple of months. so keep yourself busy, join clubs, sports, go to the gym, watch movies, and do some volunteer work.

The next thing you will most likely face is being home sick, and the emotional side of making a big change in your life. It will happen unless of course you live down the road but yes. The thing i miss most was home cooked food, and just the presence of your family. The best way i have found to coup with that is to use your cell phone! just by calling home. And if you need advice your parents most likely have a good answer.But keep in contact and stay busy, do things that relax you and get your mind off things, because although school is very important staying pleasantly happy will affect your grades.

Last but not least, getting help when you need it. As a freshman you will most likely need the tutoring,insight of a senior or help from a teacher to get through. I felt weird having to go to tutoring because i have never needed it before but it was the best thing for me next to using the instructors office hours. Especially the free tutoring on campus, and the instructors office hours. Going to your instructor could be the best thing if you are struggling in class or want to get ahead, they are there and they, they are very approachable ,especially at Embry-Riddle, and they are helpful. So do not be afraid to get the help when you need it, the earlier the better.

Well thank you for reading, i hope i have been informative and helpful. If you have any further questions or would like me to go in depth about some things let me know.

Thank you.

Extra-curriculars I’ve been involved with

So far I have been involved in many different extracurricular activities outside of class.  I have been pretty active in the Embry-Riddle, Arizona campus life with student body events, the Air Force ROTC Honor Guard, hiking and playing instruments with other students.  As a freshman, I was definitely concerned about not having much to do during my free time but at Embry-Riddle the staff and student government puts on plenty of fun events. The resident hall assistants put on a capture the flag game between halls (which was extremely fun), group hiking events, and even Halloween costume parties. The campus student life staff gives us a lot of fun events to go hang out and meet new people. I remember the first week I came here there was a campus event hosted every other hour.  With that being said there is no reason to be bored here at Embry-Riddle.

At the Embry-Riddle, Arizona there are lots of clubs to be involved in. The selection literally ranges from ball room dancing to rock climbing to the jet dragster club project.  I have been involved with the Honor Guard Team, through Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps, as well as the archery club. The Honor Guard Team is through the Air Force ROTC program and if you pursue ROTC, I would definitely recommend considering it.  The team is like a second family. On top of being an Honor Guardsman you get the chance to meet a lot of great people. With Honor Guard at Detachment 028, there is always something fun happening. The last thing we did as a group was perform in the Veterans Day parade. This event among had to be the greatest one yet because being there to support the veterans while holding the Arizona state flag during the ceremony was the best feeling I have had in a long time. Among the Honor Guard family we also enjoy going to the gym they have on campus and working out, along with running on the beautiful trails out here in Prescott, Arizona.

Speaking of the gym, it is definitely the best one I have been to. The options include nearly every type of cardio machine to every free-weight option you can think of.  I do go to the gym a lot; not only is it clean and available for your use but it’s a pleasant place to be. Everyone here at Embry Riddle is helpful and considerate. And as a plus, it’s never crowded. So the gym is an excellent place to go and workout.

On top of going to the gym, I am also into photography, whether you like photography or just taking hikes to view some incredible scenery, Prescott, Arizona is a great place to be. The fresh air among the great nature is a great motivation to get up and get out every morning. Every year the student body on campus hosts a photography contest.  The best photos from get reviewed for a chance to be featured in the Embry-Riddle weather calendar.

That’s pretty much my view on extra-curriculars. Let me know what you think in the comments below!

Adam Olimski, Freshman, BS Electrical Engineering

Hey there, I am Adam Olimski, an Air Force ROTC freshmen cadet at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.  I am originally from Orange County, California but then I moved down to the beautiful beaches of sunny San Diego.  My favorite hobbies are photography, going to the gym, and taking hikes.  I made the big move to Embry-Riddle because of its outstanding reputation throughout the Air Force and community.  I am currently studying Electrical Engineering and looking forward to my future, hopefully traveling the world with the Air Force.

Outside of my school work and Air Force ROTC, I am a participant in the AFROTC Honor Guard team.  I do spend a lot of time and effort with the Honor Guard; it’s just one of those things you get addicted to.  The Honor Guard team has helped me develop my character and my teammates have been there for me like best friends.  Another thing I enjoy outside of campus life is the incredible nature. Taking hikes right across the street from my dorm is a great way to just relax and take in the fresh air.  I do spend other free time hanging around the dorm playing my epiphone electric guitar with my friends.  I also do go to the gym a lot, as I have always been a fitness guy. The gym is my favorite getaway next to hiking, photography and my guitar.  Upon coming here I have learned a lot about living on your own. Within only three months of living here I have come to enjoy the life I lead here and appreciate more of everything I do on my own.

My hopes of this blog is to offer a better understanding of the life of a freshman at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and answer any questions you may have about the BIG move to college.  Welcome to my blog.