Ever Had a Favorite Professor?

I am sure we have all encountered a teacher that fits our learning style just right. Embry-Riddle has a pretty tight knit community when it comes to its professors/faculty and students. It’s pretty common to have a favorite teacher but since each student is different in the way they learn my favorite teacher may not be the same as my friends.

At Embry-Riddle one of the best professors and counselors I have had is Dr. Cone. While there are multiple characteristics that make him a great professor the one that sticks out to me the most is his background and expertise.

He is accredited with a BS and MS in Electrical Engineering as well as a PhD in Physics. Now there a lot of professors that have degrees and PhD’s but not only is Dr. cone accredited, he has experience working in multiple fields. This is beneficial because I really enjoy learning the applications of the topics in class. It makes the information stick in my brain a lot longer then just discussing it and doing the homework. Plus when you learn about some of the awesome things your professor has done with their careers it is a lot easier to be excited about what you are learning and what future might await you in your career. You will encounter teachers at ERAU with incredible backgrounds and experiences and they definitely love to share that with you. I encourage you to ask one of your teachers about their career experiences and what they enjoyed most about it.

Thanks for reading! Stay tuned.

You can discover our professors below:


Must Have Apps for College

It is a little uncommon these days to see someone using a physical planner around campus.  Most people use their phones, tablets, or laptops to stay organized and productive.  Me being curious, I went around asking people what their favorite productivity and resource applications were.  Here were the top five results with a little info I found on them after researching.

dropbox_logoDropbox lets you bring all your photos, documents, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Access any file you save to your Dropbox from all your computers, iPhone, iPad, and the web. It’s great for saving large files and group projects.


bjqYUx_0XoQfRcNDh0POeBEo0a4pHprm-xd8zcA-94j-MjJHvj4eu9KqcQ__2C94IQ=w300Any.do is used for organizing your day. Manage all your tasks, work projects and personal to-dos in one place and collaborate with others to be more productive. If you really want to get stuff done, whether its chores around the house or a critical team project, use Any.do to get it done faster.


images_noticias_6de0fff8bb4f7e5df138b4215b326c51Remember the Star Trek computer? It’s finally happening–with Wolfram Alpha. Building on 25 years of development led by Stephen Wolfram, it has rapidly become the world’s definitive source for instant expert knowledge and computation. I highly encourage anyone with technical degree to download this!



Evernote is where you do the work to achieve it.  You can take notes in a clean workspace, get organized in designated notebooks, share ides, keep up with to-dos, manage expenses, plan travel, the possibilities are endless. You can also access this anywhere which makes it even better!



myHomework is the best student planner for beauty, simplicity, and reliability.  It has a modern design and simple interface making it easy for anyone to use. The app fill their role as a planner without network connectivity.


Another thing, all these apps are accessible for iOS and Android!  Check them out!!  And let me know what you think!

A Lesson From Newton…

…and no I don’t mean Sir Issac.  I’m talking about the cross-eyed siamese cat that resides in my apartment.  If there is anything I’ve learned from Newton, its that sunshine is the best form of therapy.  Vitamin D from exposure of our Sun is proven to show an increase in brain function and mood.

School will get stressful and it’ll be easy to get lost in your work but make sure you take the time to keep yourself happy and healthy.  Our sunshine activities from this past President’s Day weekend included rock climbing, kayaking, and a lot of lounging.


How cool is it that we live in a place that where its warm enough in February (sorry east cost) to go outside for a whole weekend?  Don’t cheat yourself by by skipping a walk on a nice day just because you’re a little busy.  Speaking of weather, did you know we have a meteorology here at ERAU?  Check out this link to some weather resources! http://meteo.pr.erau.edu/ 

Prescott by week, LA by weekend!

Hello all! It sure has been a “rough” winter here in Prescott with most of our daily highs getting above 60 degrees, and of course more of that glorious sunshine! That was one of the reasons I choose to come to this school, and might be one for you as well!

As I mentioned in my previous post, there are a lot of travel opportunities to get you out of Prescott if that is how you would like to spend your weekends. A little over a week ago, during the first full weekend of February some of my friends and I went to Los Angeles for a few days. From Prescott to LA by car is only about a 6-7 hour drive, assuming traffic is good in the LA area. (No traffic to worry about in Prescott!) However be advised, it is quite a bit of driving. When we were all done we drove almost 1,200 miles! At least gas is cheap.

Since all of my friends and I are pilots, we naturally tried to find a hotel that would give us a view of LAX and their incoming airplanes. If this interests any of you, the LAX Renaissance Hotel is one I would recommend! It was far enough away that no engine noise kept us up, but also close enough to see the action. If you face the north, you’ll have a really good view of 24L and 24R.  Furthermore we decided to go to the Santa Monica Pier for a part of the evening. In which after that we took a drive down to where I used to spend my summers, San Clemente, CA. Personally my favorite town in all of So Cal but maybe I’m biased. Beachfire restaurant has great food if you’re ever in the area!

United 787 on Short Final

United 787 on Short Final

China Southern Cargo 777 about to touchdown!

China Southern Cargo 777 about to touchdown!

Singapore A380-800

Singapore A380-800

Santa Monica Pier on a Saturday Night!

Santa Monica Pier on a Saturday Night!

I had to remember the real reason we went to California was for the USA vs. Panama Soccer Game! I personally am a fan of soccer, but had never been to an actual game. If it was to be anything like basketball or baseball games I have previously attended I figured I would enjoy it. However, by the end of the match I could honestly say it was better than any live sporting event I’ve ever been to! No other sport do the fans get so into the game, and so behind their team. It was truly a sight to behold, and enjoy. Tickets weren’t bad either, only around $40. In the end USA wins it 2-0! GO USA!!!

This was the beginning, when they played both Panama and USA National Anthems

This was the beginning, when they played both Panama and USA National Anthems

USA would go on to win it 2-0!

USA would go on to win it 2-0!

Just another option for our ERAU Prescott students to go out and explore! I want to make sure all of you understand that no matter what it is you enjoy, there is something for everyone! If it is not in Prescott, it won’t be that far away!

Stay warm and fly safe!

Road Trippin’ – University isn’t just about studying – get out and experience the U.S.!

One of the greatest things about Prescott isn’t its surroundings (although they are GORGEOUS). The best thing about Prescott is its location between numerous travel destinations. Not only is it centrally located 4-5 hours between ~11 national parks, it is only 4 hours drive from Las Vegas and 6 hours drive from downtown LA. Those locations don’t appeal to you? No problem, check out Lake Powell, or SixFlags Magic Mountain in CA, the Grand Canyon, or Moab, UT, or…..

You get the point. Check out the video below to see a few of the locations mentioned above, which I have had the amazing opportunity to visit! [And remember, I’m only a freshman!]




There are so many out of state road trip opportunities near to Prescott, when coupled with all the things there is to do IN Prescott you’ll never find yourself short on things to do.

F… is For Friends Who do Things Together!

Do you recognize the title from Spongebob? Well in one of Spongebob’s infamous scenes he sings about making friends and staying together…it is actually pretty entertaining, especially for Spongebob fans. From the first week until today I have made many friends at Embry-Riddle. Some that stay, a few that go, but the best are the roommates I had freshmen year…

This picture of Spongebob is pretty much what we look like as a crew.

As a freshmen I met 5 new roommates I’d live with for a year and unknowingly become best friends with 2 of them. Crazy enough I still live with them. We’re bonded with a friendship that’s strong to the core. It helps that I am in a Marine Officer Program while the other two are ROTC, one army and one Air Force. As you can see we have one huge thing in common, military lifestyles.

I think it’s great that we are all studying different subjects at Embry-Riddle! GSIS, Aerospace Engineering and Electrical Engineering. So even though we all manage different schedules and classes we manage to get together almost every weekend and go to Picture Show for an awesome movie that just came out or we play the new Call of Duty video game or even just go to Buffalo Wild Wings. A weekend with us is always a fun one!

Encountering these gentlemen have made my stay at ERAU a great one with memories to last forever. I hope that even after we all graduate we remain in contact because It would be hard to find friends like them again. I hope you have great roommates like I do.

Thanks for reading!

Science Speaker Series!

When you are creating your schedule for the upcoming semester, make sure to leave an open block of time at noon on Tuesdays.  Why?  The Science Speaker Series of course!  Every Tuesday in one of the AC1 lecture halls, a guest speaker with give an hour long seminar.  These presentations started a few years ago and are quite the hit amongst students and faculty (maybe its the free pizza, I don’t know).

Just last week, Dr. Richard Holdaway from Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL Space) in the UK, gave an interesting talk about how countries approach science and technology policies.  He also spoke about an ongoing project they are working on called, Lunar Mission One.  This is an unmanned lunar landing where they will be retrieving samples that we have never been able to study before.  They will also be embedding a “time capsule” of sorts that has documentation of humankind.  If you would like to learn more about this mission, (or even send something of your own in the time capsule!!) you can check out the website http://launch.lunarmissionone.com/.

This week we had the pleasure of learning from a local professor from Yavapai College, Dr. Jeb Bevers.  He focused on explaining the research he has been conducting while on sabbatical which entails paleontology in Milk Creek.  Obviously the speeches can vary pretty drastically between weeks but that is what keeps it interesting!  Here is the scheduled speakers for the rest of the semester.  Enjoy!



The Sabre Drill Team!

It has been said that the friends you make in College are the ones you will keep forever. I strongly believe in this quote. Here at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, I have made many friends that impact me both personally and academically. From spending countless amount of hours together in class to hanging out on weekends, these people make me a better student and a better person.

From being involved in Air Force ROTC, Silver Wings, ASIS International, Eagle Eye, Cyber Eye, to working in Admissions, I have met many people who I will keep in touch with throughout my life. Everyone here at Embry-Riddle is motivated and has the same drive that you do, and that is what makes these friendships unique. One of the most important groups is the Sabre Drill Team.

Being a member of Air Force ROTC, I have also chosen to participate in Honor Corps. Within Honor Corps, I have been the Commander and a successful member of the Sabre Drill Team. The friends I have made while being a part of the Sabre Drill Team, are those types of friends that I will keep forever. With this particular group of people, going on monthly hikes is something we all love to do. Aside from mentoring the underclassman, as an Alumni of the team, I get to hang out with them outside practice and ROTC. Another reason why I will keep these friends forever, is because they have been able to help me academically as well. Sometimes all you need is a study session with your friends to get things going!

Screen Shot 2015-02-03 at 8.36.29 AM

Hiking in the Granite Dells near Watson Lake and Willow Lake is perhaps the best way to hang out and bond with friends. Even if you aren’t an outdoor person, you will learn to embrace Prescott’s beauty! My best memory with the team was when we initiated new members. We took a large group of people out to the Dells and ended the gorgeous hike with the afternoon sunset and a presentation of the swords.

The Winter Weather Man

Hello readers, if you aren’t currently an Embry-Riddle student then you might be wondering what the weather is like out here in Prescott, AZ. Well lucky for you I will be getting into how the weather is and how it changes mostly in respect to winter. This will be especially helpful for those coming from warm climates like myself.

So ERAU in Prescott definitely gets FOUR seasons! Summer is hot, fall is bipolar, winter is cold and spring is a usually a good mix of warm and cold weather. But you must be wondering how cold it actually gets here… Well last week it reached 37 degrees (F) during the day! That’s crazy!…..I don’t want to scare you so ill lighten it up with some good news, such as this weeks weather. The average for the week turned out to be 56 degrees (F) midday, and 34 degrees at any given time after dark.

So be prepared for the winter! while it is only this cold during the winter it does lighten up in the fall and spring, which are quite pleasant and beautiful. Being able to come out here and experience four seasons its great, there is really nothing like Prescott. For instance below is a photograph taken of Watson Lake after its snowed, which is right around the corner from ERAU. In fact most students that run, tend to run to the lake and back which takes about 30 minutes to get there, its a great trail!

But enough about how cold it gets, the real question is, does it snow at Embry-Riddle and how often? Well for the past 3 years that I have gone to ERAU in Prescott it has snowed on average 10 to 15 days each year. And i would say about three of those days does it actually come down in a storm that makes it hard to drive. So if you drive you could get away without buying chains no problem but I have some anyway. The other thing to know about snow here is that is melts very fast rarely staying on the roads for more than half a day. As soon as the bright Arizona sun hits it, it’s gone. I hope you enjoyed this blog, stay tuned for more!

Here is a link to a website that has a great amount of detail about the weather in Prescott, AZ. http://www.wunderground.com/weather-forecast/US/AZ/Prescott.html

Chinese Courses at Embry Riddle


This blog is a shout out to one of our readers who was wanting to know more about Chinese courses at Embry Riddle. I was able to find and interview several current students in the Global Intelligence and Security Chinese Program and this is what they had to say.

“The program is super fun and intense at the same time. Each course you take (one semester) is actually equivalent to learning one year of the language. It is high paced but, the professors are really helpful and clear with the material so it is challenging as well as interesting. There is also an opportunity for students to go to China between the Sophomore and Junior year in order to completely be immersed in the culture. The trip really helps to cement your knowledge in the language and can help you get future jobs. In addition to that you get great connections with the people you meet on the trip and gain many life long friends. As far as the schedule goes, you do have a lot of free time to do homework and group work because classes are spread out well. There are actually tutors for the Chinese program as well and being able to talk with them is really great as most of them have extensive backgrounds in the language.”

chinese-characters-ideograms“In all despite the challenges that the program can present it is really fun and totally worth doing.” All of the Chinese Students that I interviewed said that taking Chinese at Embry-Riddle is the best decision they have made in their college career.

If you have any more questions please let me know or give the Admissions department a call 🙂 Thanks for reading.