About loganc2


Aviation Business Administration

The main advice I have for incoming GSIS students is that you got to brush up on your history and current events. Start reading and writing more, so you can begin to enjoy it. And do NOT procrastinate, it could cost you your grade. This major is a lot of fun, and there is a little something for everyone. Personally, I love psychology the most.

Vanishing Time…

Where does all the time go? Is it just me, or is it disappearing?! I go to school and do homework and then it seems as if my time is up! I need to try to fit in some more blogging, but school has consumed all my time. And I now have two other jobs! Data entry and TAC.

In Data entry, I get to enter new students into our system and put down all their information. In TAC I seem to have a lot more fun because I get to make calls to people who are interested in ERAU and see if they would like to come to our events and if they would like some more information about ERAU. It is pretty fun. Today was my first day doing TAC. It took me like 10 minutes to get up my courage to do the first phone call, after watching Brittani make about 3 calls. But finally I did it, and could you believe it went to voice mail?? lol. I got so worried for nothing. Then calling became easy, especially when you got a hold of excited people! I loved it when they started asking me questions about ERAU and the events, it made me happy. I worked from 5:30 to 8:30 just making calls. I did 37 phone calls. Doesn’t seem like much, but it is when you have to put information down as you talk. Although it was confusing at first, I must say this is probably one of my favorite jobs so far. 🙂

Enough about work…School is good. I still enjoy my classes, but for some reason I’m counting the days until Thanksgiving break. lol. I guess I have a good reason since I’m having a huge family reunion in Las Vegas. I get to see cousins and aunts that I haven’t seen for about 5-10 years! But I know it is also that need for a break from all this stress. It is crazy to try to fit in so many things in such little time.

So, my classes are alright, but really helps make school better are my sorority girls! Alpha Xi Delta! It is so funny because I was a girl who swore she would never go Greek. I felt that they only cared about partying and doing bad things, but I decided to go to an event and now I see how awesome they are! These girls act as a group of sisters, they would do anything for each other and they never make anyone do anything or go anywhere they do not want to go. They are also a sorority who do community service. As soon as I met them, everything felt right. I truly do like these girls, and it is great to know girls on this campus, since they are so few here. I am very excited for tomorrow because I get pinned! They accepted me in and I get pinned tomorrow night. Then we have classes for the next 11 weeks or so and then we get to swear in. I cannot wait for that day! If any of you were questioning the morals of Greek, do not worry, they are good people. And everyone on this campus cares about their education first! We would not be here if we didn’t, but going Greek just helps with developing a solid personal life on top of great academics. I would definitely recommend going Greek! If you are a girl think about Alpha Xi Delta!

Now going off campus, my apartment is going good. Learning a lot of new things that I never realized when I lived at home. I have definitely learned to clean up messes right away, especially when it comes to dishes and food! Otherwise the whole apartment will start smelling like said food, and God forbid that food get stale!!! EWWWW!!! lol. Living on my own has helped me grow and I am happy I went with this choice.

Well, I think that is good for today. Hope all are doing good in their classes! Have a great weekend. And as Ms. Tusa would say, “Wash your hands and eat chicken noddle soup”! (Since flu season is here…)

Getting completely settled

Phew, finally I made some time to blog! I have been so busy these last few weeks. Moving into my apartment was a lot of hard work, but it was so worth it. I’m about 10 minutes away from school and about 2 minutes from all the stores in Prescott Valley. My apartment is a good size and I definitely feel like home already, although the first night alone was creepy and it sucked! But now I’m doing good. Still have about 7 more boxes to unload, but then I will be completely done! My boyfriend and his family are coming up this weekend to help me do that and get completely finished and organized. lol.

The last days in California were definitely hard! I miss my grandmother and friends a lot, but I know many of them left for college as well. My last week there consisted of mainly packing and then trying to cram in friend time before I left. I saw a few, but not all of them. 🙁 But some of my friends don’t leave til mid-September so I was thinking about paying a visit some weekend. This way I can see my grandma and make her feel better and have an official “see you later” with my remaining friends. lol.

Oh man, I don’t know if many of you got to do this, but the U-haul experience was pretty awesome, bust soooo slow. I had to drive a 12′ U-haul (completely packed) for 5 hours to my boyfriend’s house. It was so crazy and the trip felt pretty long, but it was awesome being so high from the ground! The next day my boyfriend’s dad drove it up the mountain to Prescott because that was the part that made me nervous!!!

Ok, so my classes…They are all completely amazing and ‘m not just saying this because I know teachers have access to viewing these. haha. I genuinely enjoy my classes! I have two classes Monday and Wednesday and three classes Tuesday and Thursday and one class Friday! On MWF I have computers. My professor is very laid back and as long as we get the work done he isn’t so worried about missing some class time. Which is cool, because Friday is a study hall day for reading and two follow-up quizzes. Well, I already read and as soon as those quizzes come up, I’ll do them. That means I have Friday off!!! Ok, my other MW class is Microeconomics. I switched from History of Art into this class. At first I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to follow along with my teacher’s accent, but after a while I got used to it. And he made the class so much fun that I seriously remember just about everything we went through! TTh I have Principles of Management and Intro into Aviation Business and Industry with the same professor. I really enjoy her because she is extremely helpful and makes learning easy. The last class TTh is Speech, which I am so proud of myself for taking. I knew I would need this to help me work on talking in front of crowds. Although it may be scary at first, I know this will help me more to get used to being in front of everyone.

As you can see from how much I wrote about my classes, I really do enjoy them and all my classes seem to fit together perfectly! It is amazing how much more I get out of them when I’m learning material that seem to link together and fit perfectly! Last bit is that I’m super excited about the sorority group I’m wanting to join. They are all such great girls and I knew this would be the best way for me to meet girls and have some friends up here. Ok, well I got to get ready for class. Talk to you all later. Take care and don’t procrastinate with homework!!!

Just about 2 weeks left!

I am super excited to start school, but also scared and hurt to leave my friends and family. I know it is hard for all of us during this transition, especially if you are moving out-of-state, knowing you won’t be able to see them again for a long time! But I know I will make it and when I do see everyone again, it will be a nice reunion.

Well, I got my apartment in Prescott Valley, it is about 20 mins from Embry-Riddle. I also got all my utilities set-up, so I am ready to go. I’m moving in on Monday the 17th. I cannot wait!

And then 3 days later we got orientation, and I definitely have those excited butterflies fluttering around. This is the start of my new life. I got all my new furniture and clothes and everything I needed for my apartment. I’m just getting everything packed this week and slowly saying goodbye to my beloved grandmother that I have lived with for 16 years of my life. It is really hard for her to let go, but she is so proud and understands. Everything is going so smooth. I can’t believe I was able to afford my first year without using money from my own pocket! I’m glad I worked hard for those scholarships, but I know I’m not done, still gotta work hard for next years’ scholarships. But I know I can do it again. I’m excited for my classes.

Oh yeah, and I forgot to mention I changed my major, I’m going into Aviation Business Administration now. This is a great opportunity for me, I can now make sure that I’ll have a job no matter what. If not as a pilot, at least somwhere into management. Hopefully both, but you never know how planes will be years from now, they may not need pilots, I’d rather be prepared.

So, that’s all that’s new from this past month. I can’t wait until school! I hope everyone else is having a smooth transistion. See you all in about two weeks.

18 at last!

So, I just turned 18 on Sunday,  finally I’m an adult! I had a great birthday.  I spent the whole time with my boyfriend and his family. We started my weekend fun with a day at my job, Knott’s Soak City Water-park (Palm Springs). I had four incentive tickets from working there and I gave them to Wyatt and his family so they all got in for free. I get in free whenever I want. I also get to go to Knott’s Berry Farm for free! Anyways, we had a fun time, but I got super burnt! Oh, and we ended up getting free food since an order was left unclaimed, the cooks had to either throw it out or give it away, so we got it! It was about $40 worth of food too!

I guess I got to admit, working at Knott’s is pretty cool, it just gets super hot! Luckily we can jump in or go on rides when we rotate! 😀knotts-july-16th-2009


After that we went to my house and I opened gifts so my grandma could be apart of it, otherwise I would’ve been at the beach doing it. Then we went to bed.

Next morning we left to Oceanside and checked in to our hotel. It was nice and less than a mile from the beach. It was a good walk to get there, and there were many interesting shops and restaurants. We had fun, and the beach was beautiful. The first day we were there we saw a bride with her bridesmaids taking pictures with the beach sunset! It was soooooo beautiful!!! We took a lot of pictures, here are a couple of them.oceanside-july-18th-2009 Oceanside

We enjoyed trying out the different restaurants, my favorite was Joe’s Crab-shack! Wyatt and I wore the bibs and took this awesome picture, but it’s on my cell phone and it won’t let me send it to my computer. 🙁  But it was an amazing place, and I would definitely suggest it to anyone who goes out to California! 😀

On my actual birthday we had some cake and then they left to go back to Arizona. I did buy a couple lottery tickets and won a few bucks. I won about 5 times, then I lost the money by putting it back into lottery tickets. lol.

The day after my birthday, Monday I opened a checking account and I went to the doctors and had the “adult blood test”. Oh and I also got in contact with the owner of the apartments I was looking at and I’m in proccess of getting one of them after they check out my application. I’m very excited!

So that’s about it for now. I’ll blog later. Hope everyone is enjoying the last bit of their summer, it’s ending fast!




So I thought I should share what my schedule will look like this Fall. (There may be a few changes since I just got my Calculus AP exam back and I passed!!! So that will be less math 😀  )

(Ok, i may be wrong on the course name exactly, so bare with me. And I do not know all the Instructors, since I am a Freshman.)

Mon., Wed., Fri.- Aeronautical Science from 8-9am with Rehbach. Then Math 9:10-10:10 Jacobs. And another Aeronautical Science course at 4:30-6pm Mr. Roy.

Tues. and Thurs.-Communications 9:10-10:25 with Dr. Nordbrock. (that’s all!! yay.)

And for flight time Mon., Wed., Fri. 12pm-4:30pm and Tues., Thurs. 12pm-6pm both with Testa.


If anyone has gone through these classes or know these instructors I would definetely love some feedback, that will help me with this transfer to a new state and school.

Well that is the latest news I have. Besides that, I’m just working and saving money to put money down for an apartment and looking into some new clothes for the winter days in Prescott. I’m also trying to find some good deals on furniture for my new apartment, if anyone knows of a good furniture store please let me know! Hope everyone is having a great summer!!!

Back “Home”

I know you are probably wondering why the quotation marks on home, well before I explain let me start off by saying hi! I know it has been a few weeks, I have just been away like the other students bloggers 🙂   So the reason why I put quotations on home is because it depends on how a person would describe home. Would you describe home where your parents live and where you lived during your childhood years, or would you describe it being where your heart actually lies, where your new life is heading towards? I do consider this house being my home, but my heart does lie in Arizona, not only because my boyfriend and his family live there, but also since that is where I will be living and where I’ll be attending my dream college at.  So in a sense I left “Home” to go “Home” since I was actually in Arizona these past two weeks.

I was visiting with my boyfriend and my second family (his family). I also went up to Prescott to look at apartments. I really wish I took pictures, but it just slipped my mind. My boyfriend and I looked at about 5 different ones. We found two really good ones I would enjoy to live in. Both are in Prescott Valley, but they are only about ten minutes from ERAU! Pretty exciting! One of our favorite apartment choices has a little backyard, I’m thinking I could use it to plant my own garden or maybe some grass. It’s kind of nice to be able to have at least a little yard to yourself  😀

Also when I was in Arizona, we went to this big water park. It was awesome! Located in Mesa, I believe it was called Sunsplash. It was so much fun. I went with Wyatt, my boyfriend, and his family. There was laser tag at the water park too, so that was AMAZING! I had a lot of fun going to all these different places and watching all these different movies. (Could you believe I have never seen any Terminators until this last week, and my Governor is “The Terminator”-Arnold lol.) We took lots of pictures, but too bad they are all on HIS camera. lol. Sorry, I really wanted to decorate this page up. he he.

Well, thank you for taking your time in reading our blogs, I hope they provide entertainment and maybe even help and encouragement. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. I’ll write more tomorrow when I remember what else I wanted to blog about. Talk to you soon! 😀

We did it!!! 2009!

First off, I would like to apologize for taking a while to write. I have been extremely busy this last week. Not only did I have graduation, but my boyfriend came out from Arizona to see me and all my family from across California came to see me this past week. I have a lot to cover!!! 😀 

So graduation was June 10th, 2009! Last Wednesday! It was a great  night, unfortunately it was extremely windy, but for the first time it was not hot!! That was the plus 😉  I was one of the first to walk and graduate since I was a distinguished scholar and top 2% of class. It felt good to be one of the first, but then again I had to wait for all the other four hundred graduates to walk across that same stage. lol. It was a LONG wait. But I’m so proud of my friends and of myself for making it this far and accomplishing such an amazing task! And congrats go out to all the graduating seniors of 2009! WE DID IT!!! 😀

Next news, Last week I also had two scholarship award banquets to go to. I got to meet the Mayor at one and our Congresswoman at the other. They were both for $1,000 each. One was from “The Gas Company” and the other was from “Mission Lakes Women’s Luncheon Club”. Both scholarships were community. The Mission Lakes Women’s Luncheon Club was a group of women who devote their time to hold luncheons to receive donation money in order to give them to their chosen scholarship recipients. I was one of four to receive such award. I was also very fortunate to get the Gas Company scholarship since only 9 of us got this award (5 for $500 and 4 for $1,000), out of the many applications that were submitted. And I already told you about the $10,000 scholarship that I won. $5,000 for the first year and $5,000 for the second. This award insured my full payment for my freshman year, it is a huge relief now! Trust me when I say work your booty off for as many scholarships, because I promise it will pay off, and you will be thanking yourself in the future when your debt is at the minimum!

And the last bit of info…Last days of high school were exciting, stressful, and fun. I just could not believe I was getting ready to leave all my friends that I have known for years. But I was so excited to know that all my hard work payed off and now I was able to be the adult in the real world. I now get to live my dream of becoming a pilot! On the last day of school we had a senior party, it was so much fun. We had bouncers, rock wall, hula dance, hula hoop, face painting, sooooo much food!!! And of course, a DJ!!! There was also contests and prizes, but it was all fun. It was a great way to celebrate the end of our high school year.

So I guess this wraps up the last two weeks, at least the important stuff. Like I said the week of graduation just consisted of scholarships, family, friends, and boyfriend. I also got to go to Six Flags Magic Mountain all day the Thursday after Graduation! That was AMAZING! Wish I had more pictures up, but all my pictures are on my cell and I’m just in the middle of switching companies. So maybe I can fit them into my blog next time 😉

Take care. 😀

I Got the Scholarship!!!

This is one of the happiest news I have received in a long time! $5,000 for my first two years! That means this year I will be up a couple thousand which can help me for my apartment that I will be living in! Oh yeah, I never told anyone that I somehow got to live in an apartment instead of the dorms, so I guess this blogger has a different kind of story to tell than the other freshman who will be living in dorms. 😀

So, today was the last day of my senior year! And last day of high school. It was so sad, but at the same time so exciting. I’m going to be moving up in my life, going to a beautiful university and get a great education. I just cannot wait to get this new life started, but it does pain me to have to leave my family and friends far behind! From Cali to Arizona. About 6 hours away!!! I guess I really am going out on my own.

My final project in calculus went awesome! Not only did I get 98% on my two powerpoints, I also got extra credit on my 3-page report about Galileo Galilei! 😀 So I will be getting an A in AP Calculus AB. This will raise my G.P.A up a lot!

Everything seems to be falling into place. I have my lifeguard job and now this blogging job is awesome. I love being able to help others along the way. And I got scholarships and good grades. I know it may get tough in school, but please know the better it will be when the time comes to scholarships and school applications!

Well, got to go. Have a great weekend! Talk to you guys later 😀



Nearing the end of my Senior year!

Hi everyone, as you may already know, my name is Cassandra Logan- (You may call me Cassie if preferred), I’m attending Embry-Riddle in Fall 2009 to major in Aeronautical Science. I am currently going to Desert Hot Springs High School, located in So-Cal near Palm Springs. We are also the Golden Eagles and our colors are blue and gold!!! It was destiny 😉

I actually found out about ERAU September 2008 thanks to my high school. My plan before was to attend the Air Force Academy, but as soon as I learned about ERAU my heart was settled. It felt like a hug boulder was lifted off my shoulders now that I knew where I wanted to go for sure. I was always afraid I wouldn’t find my dream college, so I just settled for an academy I knew that could take me where I wanted to go, but then I was blessed with finding my dream college. Trust me, when it gets to the time where you need to find a college that suits you, you will know which one to choose, it will just feel right- go with your heart and instincts.

So, I found where I wanted to go, but I had to find a way to pay for it. I worked my booty off and filled out as many scholarships as possible and FAFSA gave me A LOT of money. Even ERAU gave me a few grants. One was for my high G.P.A that I kept throughout high school. (Being a 4.13 right now I believe, but it’s going up since I aced my Calculus AP class) YAY! Anyways, at this moment I’m only $2,000 short of what I need for the first year and I’m still waiting to hear from a $5,000 scholarship! I’m keeping my fingers crossed and I’ll definitely post a blog when I hear something!

So I have about 3 days of school left. It is crazy! I just finished going to all these award banquets and I still have a couple more to go to in order to receive my scholarships. On top of school and all these appointments, I work as a lifeguard for Knott’s Soak City. It’s a lot of fun, but it gets very hot! I also flew to Phoenix just recently to go to Prom with my boyfriend, that was great. (I have pictures)

My senior year has been awesome, but sad and stressful at the same time. Although it’s a lot of hard work, it definitely pays off in the end. I remember how much I kicked myself for filling out scholarship applications instead of going out with friends, but when I was chosen as a winner I now know it was worth it! It’s stressful to find money and finish homework, but keeping yourself organized is a big help. It’s also sad when you realize all the people you will leave behind, but at the same time, it’s still worth it- living out on your own and living your own dreams!

I have more things to discuss, such as graduation coming up next Wednesday, and my finals due tomorrow, but I think I can blog about it tomorrow since it’s about 11pm. he he.

It’s been nice talking to you, I hope my advice can somehow help you get through your senior year! Have any questions you can always write to me, I’m here to help. Take care!

